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The Passion Slap (P)

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Dancing Lollipops
I Ain't Goin' Peacefully - Hank Williams, Jr.
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Position: Start lady on mans right both facing same wall about two steps apart.
The Dancing Lollipops are Allan & Patricia Mitchell, John & Nichy Thorne, Graham & Lynda West

1Step right to side
2Step left to right
3Step right ¼ turn right (hold hands facing each other)
4Kick left forward to lady's right side
5Step left back
6Touch right toe back
7Step right forward (between lady's legs)
8Stomp left to lady's right side
9Release ladies right hand and look pleased
10Release ladies left hand and look twice as pleased
11Slap lady's left buttock with right hand
12Slap lady's right buttock with left hand
13-14With hands still in place grind hips right to left
15-16Repeat 13-14
17Step left back
18Step back right holding lady's left hand
19-20Place left hand on back of neck & thrust hips forward twice
21Step left forward (passing lady's right side)
22Step right forward
23Step left ¼ turn right
24Tap right heel forward 45 degree angle left (let go hand)
25Switch feet & touch left heel forward
26Switch feet & touch right heel forward
27Switch feet & touch left heel forward
28Hold & clap
29-30Two left hip bumps forward (turning upper body to face lady)
31Step right along side left with hip bumps right (feet slight apart)
32Hip bump left

1Step left to side
2Step right to left
3Step left ¼ turn left (hold hands facing each other)
4Kick right between mans legs
5Step right back
6Touch left toe back
7Step left forward (to mans right side)
8Stomp right between mans legs
9Release mans left hand and slap mans left buttock
10Release mans right hand and slap mans right buttock
11Stand and look pleased
12Stand and look twice as pleased
13-14With hands still in place grind hips left to right
15-16Repeat 13-14
17Step right back
18Step back left holding mans right hand
19-20Place right hand on back of neck & grind hips c/w in circular motion
21Step right forward (passing mans right side)
22Step left forward
23Step right ¼ turn left
24Tap left heel forward 45 degree angle left (let go hand)
25Switch feet & touch right heel forward
26Switch feet & touch left heel forward
27Switch feet & touch right heel forward
28Hold & clap
29-30Two right hip bumps forward (turning upper body to face man)
31Step left along side right with hip bumps left (feet slight apart)
32Hip bump right



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