1-4Touch right heel forward, touch right heel forward, touch right toe together, touch right toe together
5-8Vine right stepping right, left, right, brush left forward
9-12Vine left stepping left, right, left, hitch right knee
13-16Turn ¼ left and vine right stepping right, left, right, hitch left knee
17-20Turn ¾ right and stomp left forward, stomp right forward, stomp left forward, stomp right forward
21-22Swivel right toe to right, swivel right toe to center
23-24Repeat 21-22
5-8Vine right stepping right, left, right, brush left forward
9-12Vine left stepping left, right, left, hitch right knee
13-16Turn ¼ left and vine right stepping right, left, right, hitch left knee
17-20Turn ¾ right and stomp left forward, stomp right forward, stomp left forward, stomp right forward
21-22Swivel right toe to right, swivel right toe to center
23-24Repeat 21-22