Sequence: INTRO, A, A-, INTRO, A, A-, B, A-, C, B, A, A, B
1-4Roll head ½ moon left from down to up
5-8Knee pops right, left, right, left while using flash hands left, right, left, right (hands and knees opposite each other)
After you are used to the music, you will find that you could do 1-8 again if you start right at the beginning of the song
1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3&4Coaster step right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, rock back on right
7&8Coaster step left, right, left
9-10Step right foot out to right side, return rock left
11&12Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to side, bring right foot over left
13-14Step left foot out to left, twist body ¼ to left while rocking back on right foot
15&16Step back left, right, ½ turn right ending with weight on left foot (facing right wall)
17-18Cross right foot over left with a rock step right, left
19&20Right out to right side, rock step right, left
21-22Cross right over left with a rock step right, left
23&24Triple step right, left, right while making a ½ turn to the right (facing left wall)
Counts 1-24 are A-
25-26Cross left foot over right with a rock step left, right
27&28Step left foot to left side, rock step left, right
29-30Cross left foot over right with a rock step left, right
31&32Triple-step left, right, left while making a ¾ turn to the left (facing front wall)
33-34Step right foot back onto ball of foot (keep heel off floor)
35&36Turn ½ turn right switching weight to left foot, triple forward left, right, left
37-40Repeat 33-36
41-44Repeat 33-36 again
45-46Step forward on right foot, pivot ¼ left
47&48Cross right foot over left, step out on left and cross right over left
49-50Step left foot back onto ball of foot (keep heel off floor)
51&52Turn ½ turn left switching weight to right foot, triple forward right, left, right
53-56Repeat 49-52
57-60Repeat 49-52 again
61-62Step forward on left foot, pivot right ¼ turn
63&64Cross left foot over right, step out on right, cross left foot over right
65-66Step out on right while bump to the right, then bump left
67-68Bump right twice
69-70Bump left twice
71-72Bump right, bump left
This is the end of Part A. Counts 65-72 are B
1-4Right arm fans out
5-8Left arm fans out
9-12Bring both arms down
13-16Right arm wrap around top left side of your head, spin left one full turn
17-20Cross right over left to spin around and unwind
21&22Roll arms away (like Patty Cake)
23-24Roll arms toward yourself
25-28Push palms forward and bring arms down
29-32Step left foot out to left side, slide right foot to left (travel)
33-36Turn both toes outward, turn both toes inward
37-40Repeat 33-36 moving to the right
Feet should end up pointing forward
1-4Roll head ½ moon left from down to up
5-8Knee pops right, left, right, left while using flash hands left, right, left, right (hands and knees opposite each other)
After you are used to the music, you will find that you could do 1-8 again if you start right at the beginning of the song
1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3&4Coaster step right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, rock back on right
7&8Coaster step left, right, left
9-10Step right foot out to right side, return rock left
11&12Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to side, bring right foot over left
13-14Step left foot out to left, twist body ¼ to left while rocking back on right foot
15&16Step back left, right, ½ turn right ending with weight on left foot (facing right wall)
17-18Cross right foot over left with a rock step right, left
19&20Right out to right side, rock step right, left
21-22Cross right over left with a rock step right, left
23&24Triple step right, left, right while making a ½ turn to the right (facing left wall)
Counts 1-24 are A-
25-26Cross left foot over right with a rock step left, right
27&28Step left foot to left side, rock step left, right
29-30Cross left foot over right with a rock step left, right
31&32Triple-step left, right, left while making a ¾ turn to the left (facing front wall)
33-34Step right foot back onto ball of foot (keep heel off floor)
35&36Turn ½ turn right switching weight to left foot, triple forward left, right, left
37-40Repeat 33-36
41-44Repeat 33-36 again
45-46Step forward on right foot, pivot ¼ left
47&48Cross right foot over left, step out on left and cross right over left
49-50Step left foot back onto ball of foot (keep heel off floor)
51&52Turn ½ turn left switching weight to right foot, triple forward right, left, right
53-56Repeat 49-52
57-60Repeat 49-52 again
61-62Step forward on left foot, pivot right ¼ turn
63&64Cross left foot over right, step out on right, cross left foot over right
65-66Step out on right while bump to the right, then bump left
67-68Bump right twice
69-70Bump left twice
71-72Bump right, bump left
This is the end of Part A. Counts 65-72 are B
1-4Right arm fans out
5-8Left arm fans out
9-12Bring both arms down
13-16Right arm wrap around top left side of your head, spin left one full turn
17-20Cross right over left to spin around and unwind
21&22Roll arms away (like Patty Cake)
23-24Roll arms toward yourself
25-28Push palms forward and bring arms down
29-32Step left foot out to left side, slide right foot to left (travel)
33-36Turn both toes outward, turn both toes inward
37-40Repeat 33-36 moving to the right
Feet should end up pointing forward