CopperKnob Stepsheets

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On The Road

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Raymond Howell (AUS)
Six Days On the Road - Sawyer Brown
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1-4Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight on left, repeat
5-6Step right forward rolling right knee to right, step left forward rolling left knee to left
7-8Step right back, tap left beside right
1&Tap left heel at 45 degrees left, step left beside right
2&Tap right heel at 45 degrees right, step right beside left
3-4Tap left heel at 45 degrees left twice
&5Step left beside right, tap right heel at 45 degrees right
&6Step right beside left, tap left heel at 45 degrees left
&7-8Step left beside right, tap right heel at 45 degrees right twice
1-4Step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left forward, step left forward at 45 degrees left, scuff right forward
The following 4 beats are done with the body facing 45 degrees right
5-6Step right to right side while twisting left heel to left, step left beside right with a clap
7-8Step right to right side while twisting left heel to left, step left beside right with a clap
1-4Step left forward at 45 degrees left, scuff right forward, step right forward at 45 degrees right, scuff left forward
The following 4 beats are done with the body facing 45 degrees left
5-6Step left to left side while twisting right heel to right, step right beside left with a clap
7-8Step left to left side while twisting right heel to right, step right beside left with a clap
1&2Kick right forward, ball change right-left (body facing 45 degrees left)
3-4Step right forward at 45 degrees left, pivot ½ turn left taking weight on left (now facing opposite corner)
5&6Kick right forward, ball change right-left (body facing 45 degrees left)
7-8Step right forward at 45 degrees left, pivot ½ turn left taking weight on left (now facing opposite corner)
1-2Step right to right side pushing off left, step left across over right
3-4Step right to right side pushing off left, step left across over right
5-6Pivot ½ turn right, jump back onto left while placing right heel forward at 45 degrees right
7-8Jump forward onto right hitching left knee, step left to left side
1-4Thrust hips forward: left, right, left twice
5-8Thrust hips forward: right, left, right twice
1&2Sailor shuffle: step right behind left, step left to left side, replace weight onto right
3-4Step left behind right, pivot ¾ turn left keeping weight on left
5-7Step right forward, step left forward, hold
&8Step right beside left, step left forward



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