1-2Touch right toe to right side, return to center.
3-4Repeat steps 1-2.
5-8Grapevine right, touch left next to right.
9-10Touch left toe to left side, return to center.
11-12Repeat steps 9-10.
13-16Grapevine left, stomp right next to left.
17-24With weight even, twist to 8 counts.
25-26Touch right heel forward, return to center.
27-28Touch right toe to right side, turn ¼ to left & bring right next to left.
3-4Repeat steps 1-2.
5-8Grapevine right, touch left next to right.
9-10Touch left toe to left side, return to center.
11-12Repeat steps 9-10.
13-16Grapevine left, stomp right next to left.
17-24With weight even, twist to 8 counts.
25-26Touch right heel forward, return to center.
27-28Touch right toe to right side, turn ¼ to left & bring right next to left.