1-6Step right to right side, scuff left, left vine turning full turn, scuff right
7-12Right vine turning full turn, scuff left, step left to left side, scuff right
13-16Small jump to right, clap hands, small jump to left, clap hands
17-20Right vine, scuff left
21-24Left vine, scuff right
25-28Step a ¼ right with right foot, scuff left, step forward left, scuff right
29-32Rock forward on right, rock back on left, step right toe back, drop heel to floor
33-36Step left toe back, drop heel, touch right to right side, touch right beside left
7-12Right vine turning full turn, scuff left, step left to left side, scuff right
13-16Small jump to right, clap hands, small jump to left, clap hands
17-20Right vine, scuff left
21-24Left vine, scuff right
25-28Step a ¼ right with right foot, scuff left, step forward left, scuff right
29-32Rock forward on right, rock back on left, step right toe back, drop heel to floor
33-36Step left toe back, drop heel, touch right to right side, touch right beside left