1-2Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left
3-4Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left
5-6Step right to right side, drag left beside right
7-8Step right to right side, drag left beside right
9-10Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right
11-12Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right
13-14Step left to left side, drag right beside left
15-16Step left to left side, drag right beside left
17-20Swivel heels to right, left, right, left - bending knees - body lowering
21-24Swivel heels to right, left, right, left - straightening knees - body rising
25-26Touch right heel forward, right toe rearward
27-28Touch right toe to side, hitch right with ¼ turn to the left
3-4Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left
5-6Step right to right side, drag left beside right
7-8Step right to right side, drag left beside right
9-10Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right
11-12Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right
13-14Step left to left side, drag right beside left
15-16Step left to left side, drag right beside left
17-20Swivel heels to right, left, right, left - bending knees - body lowering
21-24Swivel heels to right, left, right, left - straightening knees - body rising
25-26Touch right heel forward, right toe rearward
27-28Touch right toe to side, hitch right with ¼ turn to the left