CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Now This (P)

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Joyce Warren (USA)
This Kiss - Faith Hill
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Position: Begin the dance in Open Couple Position. Man starts on the left foot & lady starts on the right foot

1&2Step forward on left foot, rock in place on right foot, step next to right foot on left foot (weight on left foot)
3&4Step back on right foot, rock forward in place on left foot, step right foot next to left foot (weight on right foot)
5&6Step out to left on left foot, rock in place on right foot, step left foot next to right foot (weight on left foot)
7&8Step out to right on right foot, rock in place on left foot, step next to left foot on right foot (weight on right foot)
9&10Left shuffle forward LOD
11&12Right shuffle forward LOD
13&14Left shuffle forward
15&16Right shuffle in place
Drop hands as lady turns and place them at her waist

1&2Step back on right foot, rock forward on left foot, step next to left foot on right foot (weight on right foot)
3&4Step forward on left foot, rock back in place on right foot, step left foot next to right foot (weight on left foot)
5&6Step right on right foot, rock in place on left foot, step next to left foot on right foot (weight on right foot)
7&8Step out to left on left foot, rock in place on right foot, step next to right foot on left foot (weight on left foot)
9&10Right shuffle back
11&12Left shuffle back
13&14½ turn right on right shuffle
15-16Stomp left foot in place, stomp right foot next to left foot
Lady is now directly in front of the man with his hands holding her hands at her waist
Both move diagonally left:
17-18-Step forward left foot, hold
&19-20Slide left foot behind right foot, step left foot forward, touch right
Both move diagonally right:
21-22Step forward on right foot, hold
&23-24Slide left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward, touch left
25-28MAN: Step back on left foot, right foot, left foot, touch right next to left foot
 LADY: Full turns left as she step on left foot, right foot, left foot, touch right next to left foot
Drop hands as lady turns
The hands are again at the lady's waist with the lady in front of the man

&29-30Jump out on right foot, then left foot, hold
&31-32Jump in on right foot then left foot, hold
33-36Step right on right foot, touch left heel out to left, step left on left foot, touch right heel out to right
37-40Step right on right foot, touch left heel out to left, step left on left foot, touch right heel out to right
41&42Right shuffle to right
43&44Swivel heels right, left, right
45&46Left shuffle left
47&48Swivel heels left, right, left
49&50Right shuffle forward
51&52Left shuffle forward
53-54Step forward on right foot, left/2 pivot left on to left foot
Drop left hands
55&56Right shuffle
57&58Left shuffle (RLOD)
59-60Step forward right, ½ pivot left on to left foot (drop right hands)
61-64MAN: Jazz box right foot over left foot & touch left
Drop hands to return to open couple pos. As lady turns
 LADY: Jazz box ½ turn left on right, left, right, left step
This gets you on opposite feet to begin again



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