CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Way Back

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Colleen Archer (AUS)
Working My Way Back To You - The Detroit Spinners
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1-2Step cross right over left (optional click fingers), step left back
3-4Step right back, step left back
5&6Shuffle back stepping right left right
7-8Step left back, rock forward onto right (12:00)
1-2Step left to left diagonal, slide right to step beside left
3-4Step left to left diagonal, slide right to touch beside left
5-6Step right to right diagonal, slide left to step beside right
7-8Step right to right diagonal, slide left to touch beside right
Optional: arms moving forward & back with elbows bent
1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right taking weight onto right
3&4Cross shuffle to right stepping left right left
5-6Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right and clap
7-8Step left to left side, touch right toe behind left and clap (3:00)
1-2Step right forward, turn ½ left taking weight onto left
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right left right
5-6Step left forward, rock back on right
7-8Step left back, touch right beside left (9:00)
1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right
3-4Step right forward, touch left toe behind right
5-6Step left to left side, step right beside left
7-8Step left forward, touch right toe behind left (9:00)
1-2Step right to right side, turn ¼ right taking weight back onto left
3-4Step right to right side and slightly back, step cross left over right
5-6Step right to right side, step cross left behind right
7-8Step right to right side, rock replace weight onto left (12:00)


On walls 2, 4, & 6 (the verses of the song)

1-2Step right back to right diagonal, lock left over right

3-4Step right back to right diagonal, touch left heel forward
5-6Step left back to left diagonal, lock right over left
7-8Step left back to left diagonal, touch right heel forward (12:00)
1-2Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left
3&4Right coaster step (step right back, step left beside right, step right forward)
5&6Shuffle forward stepping left right left
7-8Step right forward, turn ½ left taking weight onto left (6:00)

On wall 7, dance first 43 counts (right to side) and replace weight onto left (44). Restart dance facing the back wall

Dance to count 16, step left forward, turn ½ right & take weight right, step left beside right


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