1-2Step right foot to right, cross left foot in front of right foot
1Put your arm to the sides and the fingers are pointing to the sky
2Take together your hands in front of you (like pray)
3-4Step right foot to right, touch left foot beside right foot
5&6Twist left knee out, in, out
7&8Turn ¼ turn to left and step left heel forward, drop left toe (&) and step right foot beside left foot (weight on left foot)
1&2Jump right foot to right and left foot to left, twist upper body to right diagonally (10:30) and put all weight on left foot
3&4Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left, step right foot in place
5&6Cross (sweep) left foot behind right foot making ¼ turn to left, step right foot beside left foot, turn ¼ left and step left foot forward
7&8Rock right foot to right, recover on left, step right foot beside left foot
1-2Rock left foot back, recover on right foot
3&4Step forward on left foot, turn ½ turn to right, touch right heel beside left knee
If you can't, do right hook in front of left
5-6Touch right foot to right, cross right foot in front of left
7-8Touch left foot to left, cross left foot in front of right
1&2Rock right foot to right, recover on left, touch right foot beside left
3-4Step back on right foot, left foot
5&6Rock right foot to right, recover on left, step right foot beside left
7&8Jump forward on both feet to left, right, left (you can do a left shuffle forward instead)
1Put your arm to the sides and the fingers are pointing to the sky
2Take together your hands in front of you (like pray)
3-4Step right foot to right, touch left foot beside right foot
5&6Twist left knee out, in, out
7&8Turn ¼ turn to left and step left heel forward, drop left toe (&) and step right foot beside left foot (weight on left foot)
1&2Jump right foot to right and left foot to left, twist upper body to right diagonally (10:30) and put all weight on left foot
3&4Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left, step right foot in place
5&6Cross (sweep) left foot behind right foot making ¼ turn to left, step right foot beside left foot, turn ¼ left and step left foot forward
7&8Rock right foot to right, recover on left, step right foot beside left foot
1-2Rock left foot back, recover on right foot
3&4Step forward on left foot, turn ½ turn to right, touch right heel beside left knee
If you can't, do right hook in front of left
5-6Touch right foot to right, cross right foot in front of left
7-8Touch left foot to left, cross left foot in front of right
1&2Rock right foot to right, recover on left, touch right foot beside left
3-4Step back on right foot, left foot
5&6Rock right foot to right, recover on left, step right foot beside left
7&8Jump forward on both feet to left, right, left (you can do a left shuffle forward instead)