1-4Right kick, cross over left, kick out, together
5-8Left kick, cross over right, kick out, together
1&2-3&4Shuffles left-right-left, shuffles right-left-right
5-6Left ½ pivot
7-8Left ½ pivot
1-4Grapevine left with ¼ turn
5-8Left heel front and back, right heel from and back ¼ turn
1-8Continue heel taps front and back while turning ½ turn
1-4Left toe - heel, cha-cha-cha
5-8Right toe - heel cha-cha-cha
1-4Left forward rock, bring right toe in to left instep, right back in place, left back in place
5-8Left rear rock, bring right toe in to left instep, right back in place, left back in place
1-2Step left to side, slide right next to left
3&4Left-right-left shuffle with ¼ turn to left
5-6Right ½ pivot
7-8Right ½ pivot
1-4Grapevine right with hitch, ½ turn
5-8Grapevine to left
5-8Left kick, cross over right, kick out, together
1&2-3&4Shuffles left-right-left, shuffles right-left-right
5-6Left ½ pivot
7-8Left ½ pivot
1-4Grapevine left with ¼ turn
5-8Left heel front and back, right heel from and back ¼ turn
1-8Continue heel taps front and back while turning ½ turn
1-4Left toe - heel, cha-cha-cha
5-8Right toe - heel cha-cha-cha
1-4Left forward rock, bring right toe in to left instep, right back in place, left back in place
5-8Left rear rock, bring right toe in to left instep, right back in place, left back in place
1-2Step left to side, slide right next to left
3&4Left-right-left shuffle with ¼ turn to left
5-6Right ½ pivot
7-8Right ½ pivot
1-4Grapevine right with hitch, ½ turn
5-8Grapevine to left