1&2Mambo left to left
3&4Mambo right forward
5&6Mambo left backward
7-8Step right to right, slide left to right
9&10Step right to right side, step left to right, cross step right over left
11&12Step left to left side, step right to left, cross step left over right
13-14Step left on place, ½ turn right
15-16Step right behind left, ½ turn right
17-18Step right diagonally forward with a hip bump, hip bump
19-20Step left diagonally forward with a hip bump, hip bump
21-22Step right back, turn head and shoulders back
23&24Shuffle right forward
25-26Step left to left, step right to left with a body roll
27-28Step right to right, step left to right with a body roll
29-32Full turn left with toe touches
3&4Mambo right forward
5&6Mambo left backward
7-8Step right to right, slide left to right
9&10Step right to right side, step left to right, cross step right over left
11&12Step left to left side, step right to left, cross step left over right
13-14Step left on place, ½ turn right
15-16Step right behind left, ½ turn right
17-18Step right diagonally forward with a hip bump, hip bump
19-20Step left diagonally forward with a hip bump, hip bump
21-22Step right back, turn head and shoulders back
23&24Shuffle right forward
25-26Step left to left, step right to left with a body roll
27-28Step right to right, step left to right with a body roll
29-32Full turn left with toe touches