1-2-3&4Rock to right onto right, rock onto left to left, cross shuffle to left on right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock to left onto left, rock onto right to right, cross shuffle to right on left-right-left
1-2-3-4Step right over left, hold, step left over right, hold
5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
7&8-9&10Shuffle forward right-left-right & left-right-left
1-6Step right forward, tap left toe behind right heel, step back on left, tap right toe across left, putting weight onto toes on both feet pivot turn ½ to left (quick turn & pause then walk)
7-8-9-10Walk forward left-right-left & touch right toe next to left
&1-2&3-4Jump to right onto right & left crosses over right, jump to right to right & left crossed behind right & hold
5-6-7&8Rock to left onto left, rock onto right to right, cross shuffle to right on left-right-left
1-2-3-4Step right over left, hold, step left over right, hold
5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
7&8-9&10Shuffle forward right-left-right & left-right-left
1-6Step right forward, tap left toe behind right heel, step back on left, tap right toe across left, putting weight onto toes on both feet pivot turn ½ to left (quick turn & pause then walk)
7-8-9-10Walk forward left-right-left & touch right toe next to left
&1-2&3-4Jump to right onto right & left crosses over right, jump to right to right & left crossed behind right & hold