Position: Men face OLOD, Lady's face ILOD in Open Double Hand position
1-2Left toe to the side, left touch beside right
3-4Left toe to the side, left touch beside right
5&Left step to the side, right step beside left
6&Left step to the side, right step beside left
7-8Left step to the side, right step beside left
9-10Right toe to the side, right touch beside left
11-12Right toe to the side, right touch beside left
13&Right step to the side, left step beside right
14&Right step to the side, left step beside right
15-16Right step to the side, left step beside right
17Right hand clap with partner
18Left hand clap with partner
19-20Both hands clap twice with partner
21-28Starting with left foot shuffle in a circle to the right locking elbows with partner
Option: move to next partner after second shuffle
1-2Left toe to the side, left touch beside right
3-4Left toe to the side, left touch beside right
5&Left step to the side, right step beside left
6&Left step to the side, right step beside left
7-8Left step to the side, right step beside left
9-10Right toe to the side, right touch beside left
11-12Right toe to the side, right touch beside left
13&Right step to the side, left step beside right
14&Right step to the side, left step beside right
15-16Right step to the side, left step beside right
17Right hand clap with partner
18Left hand clap with partner
19-20Both hands clap twice with partner
21-28Starting with left foot shuffle in a circle to the right locking elbows with partner
Option: move to next partner after second shuffle