An extended and advanced version of the Silver Shuffle line dance
1-4Point right toe to right, touch to place, repeat
5&6-8Right shuffle to right side, rock back on left, stomp right forward and clap
9-12Point left toe to left, touch to place, repeat
13&14-16Left shuffle to left side, rock back on right, stomp down left forward and clap
17-20Right heel touch forward, stomp up in place & clap, repeat
21&22-24Right shuffle forward turning ½ left, rock back on left, stomp down right forward
25-28Left heel touch forward, stomp up in place & clap, repeat
29&30-32Left shuffle forward turning ½ right, rock back on right, stomp down left forward
33-36Rolling right vine, cross left over right
37&38-40Right shuffle to right side, rock back on left, stomp down forward on right & clap
41-44Rolling left vine, cross right over left
45&46-48Left shuffle to left side, rock back on right, stomp down forward on left & clap
49-50Right step forward with ¼ turn to right, left step beside right, slightly apart
51-52Jump cross left in front of right, unwind over right shoulder
53-55&56Kick left foot forward twice, cha-cha in place left, right, left
1-4Point right toe to right, touch to place, repeat
5&6-8Right shuffle to right side, rock back on left, stomp right forward and clap
9-12Point left toe to left, touch to place, repeat
13&14-16Left shuffle to left side, rock back on right, stomp down left forward and clap
17-20Right heel touch forward, stomp up in place & clap, repeat
21&22-24Right shuffle forward turning ½ left, rock back on left, stomp down right forward
25-28Left heel touch forward, stomp up in place & clap, repeat
29&30-32Left shuffle forward turning ½ right, rock back on right, stomp down left forward
33-36Rolling right vine, cross left over right
37&38-40Right shuffle to right side, rock back on left, stomp down forward on right & clap
41-44Rolling left vine, cross right over left
45&46-48Left shuffle to left side, rock back on right, stomp down forward on left & clap
49-50Right step forward with ¼ turn to right, left step beside right, slightly apart
51-52Jump cross left in front of right, unwind over right shoulder
53-55&56Kick left foot forward twice, cha-cha in place left, right, left