1-4Fan right toes to right, fan right foot back in place, right heel touch diagonally forward, right foot back in place
5-8Fan left toes to left, fan left foot back in place, left heel touch diagonally forward, left foot touch next to right
9-12Left foot step forward, hitch right leg forward, right foot step back, left foot touch next to right
13-16Left foot step to left, right foot touch next to left, right foot step right, left foot touch next to right
17-20Left foot step to left, right foot cross behind left, left foot step left (making ¼ turn left), hop on left foot
21-24Right foot step forward, rock back onto left, rock forward onto right, stomp left foot next to right
5-8Fan left toes to left, fan left foot back in place, left heel touch diagonally forward, left foot touch next to right
9-12Left foot step forward, hitch right leg forward, right foot step back, left foot touch next to right
13-16Left foot step to left, right foot touch next to left, right foot step right, left foot touch next to right
17-20Left foot step to left, right foot cross behind left, left foot step left (making ¼ turn left), hop on left foot
21-24Right foot step forward, rock back onto left, rock forward onto right, stomp left foot next to right