CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Land Of Enchantment

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Mark Simpkin (AUS)
Land Of Enchantment - The Deans
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L Side Tog, L Side Tog, 1/4 L, R Fwd, Replace, 1/2 1/2 Sweep L
1 2 3&4Step left to left side, step right beside left, cha-cha left, right, left ending with 1/4 turn left (9.00)
5-8Rock forward on right, replace weight to left, turn 1/2 turn right & step right forward, turn 1/2 turn right sweeping left toe around(weight on R)

Rock L to L Side, Replace, Cross Unwind 1/2, R Back, Replace, 1/2 Shuffle Back
1-4Rock left to left side, replace weight to right, step left across right, unwind 1/2 turn right ending on left foot (3.00)
5-6Rock back on right, replace weight to left
7&8Moving forward & turning 1/2 turn left - cha-cha-cha right, left, right (9.00)

1/4 L Step L side, Cross, Side, Replace, Cross L over R,1/4 L Back on R, 1/2 L, R Fwd, 1/2 L Pencil
1-4Turn 1/4 turn left & step left to left side, step right across left, step left to left side, replace weight to right, step left across right (6.00)
5-8Turn 1/4 turn left & step right back, making 1/2 turn left step left forward, step right forward, make 1/2 turn left on right foot sweeping left toe around (3.00)

Rock L back, Replace, 1/2 R shuffle, 1/2 L Shuffle
1 2 3&4Rock left back, replace weight to right, turning 1/2 turn right cha-cha forward left, right, left
5 6 7&8Rock right back, replace weight to left, turning 1/2 turn left cha-cha forward right, left, right (9.00)

1/2 L, Lunge R Fwd, Replace, 1/2 R, L Fwd, 1/4 R, Cross Shuffle
1-4Turn 1/2 turn left & step left forward, rock forward on right into a knee bend, replace to left, turn 1/2 turn right & step right forward
5-6Step left forward, pivot 1/4 turn right
7&8Step left across right, step right to right side, step left across right (cross shuffle) (6.00)

Hips RLR, Ball Step, Hips LRL, Ball Step
1-3Rock hips right, rock hips left, rock hips right
&4Step ball of left back, step right across left
5-7Rock hips left rock hips right, rock hips left
&8Step ball of right back, step left across right

Side R, 1/2 L stepping L Fwd, 1/2 L Back Shuffle, L Back, Replace, Full Turn Pencil
1-2Step right to right side & turn1/2 turn left on right foot & step left forward (12.00)
3&4Turning 1/2 turn left - cha-cha forward right, left, right (6.00)
5-6Rock left back, replace weight to right
7-8Turn a full turn right on right foot sweeping left toe around

L Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle, R Side, Replace, Cross Unwind a Full Turn
1-2Rock left to left side, replace weight to right
3&4Step left across right, step right to right side, step left across right (cross shuffle)
5-8Rock right to right side, replace weight to left, step right across left, unwind a full turn left keeping weight on right foot


Last Update – 22 Jan. 2024 – R1


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