1&2Kick left forward, step left slightly back of right, cross/step right over left.
3-4Step left to Left side, Cross/Step right behind left
5-6Step left to Left side bending knee low, Hitch right high (still traveling to Left) with Clap.
7-8Cross/lunge right over left (weight on right), push off & up with right into a high hitch with clap.
9-12Grapevine right, hitch left high with clap.
13-14Cross/lunge left over right (weight on left, push off & up with left into a high hitch with clap & turn ¼ to left (on right).
15-16Step left forward, hitch right high with clap.
17-18Cross/step right diagonally-forward over left (hands on buckle), hitch left high (no clapping).
19-20Cross/step left diagonally-forward over right, hitch right high.
21-22Cross/step right diagonally-forward over left, hitch left high & turn ¼ to right.
23-24Step left forward, step right to place (weight on balls of feet).
25-26Heel split (fan heels apart), heel fan together (close) while turning ¼ to left (weight on right).
27-28Repeat steps 25-26.
29-32Tap heels on floor, hold, hold, hold with clap (shift weight to right).
3-4Step left to Left side, Cross/Step right behind left
5-6Step left to Left side bending knee low, Hitch right high (still traveling to Left) with Clap.
7-8Cross/lunge right over left (weight on right), push off & up with right into a high hitch with clap.
9-12Grapevine right, hitch left high with clap.
13-14Cross/lunge left over right (weight on left, push off & up with left into a high hitch with clap & turn ¼ to left (on right).
15-16Step left forward, hitch right high with clap.
17-18Cross/step right diagonally-forward over left (hands on buckle), hitch left high (no clapping).
19-20Cross/step left diagonally-forward over right, hitch right high.
21-22Cross/step right diagonally-forward over left, hitch left high & turn ¼ to right.
23-24Step left forward, step right to place (weight on balls of feet).
25-26Heel split (fan heels apart), heel fan together (close) while turning ¼ to left (weight on right).
27-28Repeat steps 25-26.
29-32Tap heels on floor, hold, hold, hold with clap (shift weight to right).