Position: Right Side by Side Position (Sweeheart)
1-2Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to the side
3&4Step and cross right behind left, step to side onto left, step right beside left
5-6Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to the side
7&8Cross left behind right, step to side onto right, step left beside right
9-10Step forward right, left
11-12Right shuffle forward
13-14Step forward left, right
15-16Left shuffle forward
17-18Cross right over left, step back onto left
19&20Right shuffle making ½ turn right, now in reverse sweetheart position
21-22Step forward onto left, release right hands, pass left hands over lady's head, pivot ½ turn right, take up right hands in front
23&24Left shuffle forward
25-26Release left hands, step onto right making ¼ turn right
Take up left hands in Indian Position, step left to the side
27-28Step and cross right behind left, step left to the left making ¼ turn left
Now back in right Side By Side Position
29-30Step and cross right over left, step back onto left
31-32Step to the side onto right, step forward onto left
This should be danced after the first four repetitions, only if using "Blanket On The Ground" by Billy Jo Spears
1&2Right kickball change
3-4Touch right to the side, step right beside left
5&6Left kickball change
7-8Touch left to the side, step left beside right
1-2Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to the side
3&4Step and cross right behind left, step to side onto left, step right beside left
5-6Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to the side
7&8Cross left behind right, step to side onto right, step left beside right
9-10Step forward right, left
11-12Right shuffle forward
13-14Step forward left, right
15-16Left shuffle forward
17-18Cross right over left, step back onto left
19&20Right shuffle making ½ turn right, now in reverse sweetheart position
21-22Step forward onto left, release right hands, pass left hands over lady's head, pivot ½ turn right, take up right hands in front
23&24Left shuffle forward
25-26Release left hands, step onto right making ¼ turn right
Take up left hands in Indian Position, step left to the side
27-28Step and cross right behind left, step left to the left making ¼ turn left
Now back in right Side By Side Position
29-30Step and cross right over left, step back onto left
31-32Step to the side onto right, step forward onto left
This should be danced after the first four repetitions, only if using "Blanket On The Ground" by Billy Jo Spears
1&2Right kickball change
3-4Touch right to the side, step right beside left
5&6Left kickball change
7-8Touch left to the side, step left beside right