#32 count intro, Starts Right after “Let's kick it”
Tag: Wall 3 (1:10}
[1-8] Dorothy step, Step, Knee pops, Cross hold, and Cross and Cross
1,2&Step RF diagonally forward (1), lock LF behind right (&) , step RF forward (2)
3&4Step LF diagonally forward (3), Pop knees up for (&) and back down for (4) keeping your body facing (10:30)
5,6Cross RF over LF facing 7 o’clock (5), hold (6)
&7&8Step LF to side(&),Cross RF over LF(7), Step LF to side(&), Cross RF over LF(8)
[1-8] Left Hitch Recover side cross, Right Hitch, Recover Sweep, Coaster step scuff, Step Chest Pop
1&2&Hitch L Knee to side (1), Recover LF behind RF (&), Step RF to side (2), Cross LF over RF (&)
3&4Hitch R Knee to side (3), Recover RF behind LF (&), Sweep LF from front to behind RF (4)
5&6&Step LF back (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (6), Scuff RF (&)
7&8Step RF forward (7), Chest pop forward (&), Recover chest (8)
[1-8] Rock recover,½ Turn L, ½ Turn L, Push hold, Hop, Hop
1,2Rock LF forward (1), Recover on RF (2)
3,4½ Turn over L stepping LF forward (3), ½ Turn over L closing RF to LF (4)
&5,6Step back R (&), Close L to R pushing hips backwards (5)
7,8Hop forward with both feet (7), Hop forward with both feet (8)
[1-8] Flick and cross, ½ Turn, Hold, Moving Knee Wobbles
1&2Flick RF behind L (1), Flick RF to R side (&), Cross RF over LF (2)
3,4½ Turn over L shoulder (3), Hold (4)
5-8Walk forward on R while pushing knee’s out diagonally (5), Walk forward on L pushing knee’s out diagonally (6), Repeat for (7) and (8).
[1-4]Step R side/Arm Movements, Snap Hip Bumps, Flick
&1,2Place R Hand on L shoulder (&), Slide R across chest to R shoulder While Stepping RF to R side placing weight on RF (1), Raise R hand up into the air and snap (2)
3,4&Shift Weight to LF while throwing R hand to your L hip and snap (3), Start to shift weight to R side while throwing R hand to R side and snap (4), Transfer weight to LF and flick R foot behind L leg (&)
Any questions, contact me at!! Have fun!!
Tag: Wall 3 (1:10}
[1-8] Dorothy step, Step, Knee pops, Cross hold, and Cross and Cross
1,2&Step RF diagonally forward (1), lock LF behind right (&) , step RF forward (2)
3&4Step LF diagonally forward (3), Pop knees up for (&) and back down for (4) keeping your body facing (10:30)
5,6Cross RF over LF facing 7 o’clock (5), hold (6)
&7&8Step LF to side(&),Cross RF over LF(7), Step LF to side(&), Cross RF over LF(8)
[1-8] Left Hitch Recover side cross, Right Hitch, Recover Sweep, Coaster step scuff, Step Chest Pop
1&2&Hitch L Knee to side (1), Recover LF behind RF (&), Step RF to side (2), Cross LF over RF (&)
3&4Hitch R Knee to side (3), Recover RF behind LF (&), Sweep LF from front to behind RF (4)
5&6&Step LF back (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (6), Scuff RF (&)
7&8Step RF forward (7), Chest pop forward (&), Recover chest (8)
[1-8] Rock recover,½ Turn L, ½ Turn L, Push hold, Hop, Hop
1,2Rock LF forward (1), Recover on RF (2)
3,4½ Turn over L stepping LF forward (3), ½ Turn over L closing RF to LF (4)
&5,6Step back R (&), Close L to R pushing hips backwards (5)
7,8Hop forward with both feet (7), Hop forward with both feet (8)
[1-8] Flick and cross, ½ Turn, Hold, Moving Knee Wobbles
1&2Flick RF behind L (1), Flick RF to R side (&), Cross RF over LF (2)
3,4½ Turn over L shoulder (3), Hold (4)
5-8Walk forward on R while pushing knee’s out diagonally (5), Walk forward on L pushing knee’s out diagonally (6), Repeat for (7) and (8).
[1-4]Step R side/Arm Movements, Snap Hip Bumps, Flick
&1,2Place R Hand on L shoulder (&), Slide R across chest to R shoulder While Stepping RF to R side placing weight on RF (1), Raise R hand up into the air and snap (2)
3,4&Shift Weight to LF while throwing R hand to your L hip and snap (3), Start to shift weight to R side while throwing R hand to R side and snap (4), Transfer weight to LF and flick R foot behind L leg (&)
Any questions, contact me at!! Have fun!!