Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 Counts, start on vocals.
R Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2, R Shuffle
1 2Rock forward R, recover onto L.
3 4Rock back R, recover onto L.
5 6Step forward R, make 1/2 L stepping onto L (6 o’clock).
7 & 8Shuffle forward R, L, R.
L Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2, L Shuffle
1 2Rock forward L, recover onto R.
3 4Rock back L, recover onto R.
5 6Step forward L, make 1/2 R stepping onto R (12 o’clock).
7 & 8Shuffle forward L, R, L.
Restart here on wall 4.
Stomp R, Swivels, Stomp L, Swivels
1 2Stomp R to R diagonal, swivel L heel.
3 4Swivel L toe, swivel L heel to R foot.
5 6Stomp L to L diagonal, swivel R heel.
7 8Swivel R toe, swivel R heel to L foot.
Back Touches R L R, Forward Touch L
1 2Step back R diagonal, touch L toe & clap.
3 4Step back L diagonal, touch R toe & clap.
5 6Step back R diagonal, touch L toe & clap.
7 8Steo forward L diagonal, touch R toe & clap.
Restart: On wall 4 dance up to count 16 and restart the dance.
Submitted by: Ryan King Email:
R Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2, R Shuffle
1 2Rock forward R, recover onto L.
3 4Rock back R, recover onto L.
5 6Step forward R, make 1/2 L stepping onto L (6 o’clock).
7 & 8Shuffle forward R, L, R.
L Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2, L Shuffle
1 2Rock forward L, recover onto R.
3 4Rock back L, recover onto R.
5 6Step forward L, make 1/2 R stepping onto R (12 o’clock).
7 & 8Shuffle forward L, R, L.
Restart here on wall 4.
Stomp R, Swivels, Stomp L, Swivels
1 2Stomp R to R diagonal, swivel L heel.
3 4Swivel L toe, swivel L heel to R foot.
5 6Stomp L to L diagonal, swivel R heel.
7 8Swivel R toe, swivel R heel to L foot.
Back Touches R L R, Forward Touch L
1 2Step back R diagonal, touch L toe & clap.
3 4Step back L diagonal, touch R toe & clap.
5 6Step back R diagonal, touch L toe & clap.
7 8Steo forward L diagonal, touch R toe & clap.
Restart: On wall 4 dance up to count 16 and restart the dance.
Submitted by: Ryan King Email: