Intro 32 count
S 1- Diagonal Forward, Back shuflle
1 2 -R step to R Diagonal forward, L step beside R
3 4 -L step to L Diagonal forward, R step beside L
5&6 -R step back, L step beside R, R step back
7&8 -L step back, R step beside L, L step back
S 2-. R step out, hip bumps, L step in, L step out, hip bumps R step in
1 2 -R step out with hip R, hip L
3 4. -Hip R, L step in
5 6. -L step out with hip L, Hip R
7 8 -hip L, R step in
S 3-. Vine to R, vine to L with shuffle 1/4 Turn L
1 2 3 4 -Step R to R, L step behind R, R step to R, L touch or step beside R
5 6 7&8 -step L to L, R step behind L, L step with turn 1/4 turn L, R step beside L, L step forward
S 4- Botafogo, step back recover, kick ball
1 a2 -Cros R over L, Step L to left side, recover R
3 a4 -Cros L over R step R to left side, tecover L
5 6 -R step back, L recover
7 8 -R kick ball, R step beside L, recover L
** TAG V step 4 count
1 2 -R step to R diagonal forward,step L to L side
3 4 -R step to back center, L step c
S 1- Diagonal Forward, Back shuflle
1 2 -R step to R Diagonal forward, L step beside R
3 4 -L step to L Diagonal forward, R step beside L
5&6 -R step back, L step beside R, R step back
7&8 -L step back, R step beside L, L step back
S 2-. R step out, hip bumps, L step in, L step out, hip bumps R step in
1 2 -R step out with hip R, hip L
3 4. -Hip R, L step in
5 6. -L step out with hip L, Hip R
7 8 -hip L, R step in
S 3-. Vine to R, vine to L with shuffle 1/4 Turn L
1 2 3 4 -Step R to R, L step behind R, R step to R, L touch or step beside R
5 6 7&8 -step L to L, R step behind L, L step with turn 1/4 turn L, R step beside L, L step forward
S 4- Botafogo, step back recover, kick ball
1 a2 -Cros R over L, Step L to left side, recover R
3 a4 -Cros L over R step R to left side, tecover L
5 6 -R step back, L recover
7 8 -R kick ball, R step beside L, recover L
** TAG V step 4 count
1 2 -R step to R diagonal forward,step L to L side
3 4 -R step to back center, L step c