Point R, Touch. Step Lock Step. Point L, Touch. Step Lock Step.
1-2Point R toe diagonally R. Drag R and touch toe next to L.
3&4Step R diagonally R. Lock L behind R. Step R diagonally R.
5-6Point L toe diagonally L . Drag L and touch toe next to R.
7&8Step L diagonally L. Lock R behind L, Step L diagonally L.
Fwd Rock. Back Lock Step. Touch Back. Reverse 1/2 Turn L. Step Pivot Step 1/4 Turn L.
1-2Rock fwd on R. Recover on L.
3&4Step back on R. Lock step L in front of R. Step back on R.
5-6Touch L toe back. Reverse 1/2 turn L (take weight on R.) (6)
7&8Step fwd on ball of R, Pivot 1/4 turn L, Step R across L. (3)
Side Rock. Behind, Side Cross. Side Rock. Behind Side Cross.
1-2Rock L to L side, Recover on R.
3&4Step L behind R. Step R side. Step L across R.
5-6Rock R to side. Recover on L.
7&8Step R behind L, Step L side, Step R across L.
Step Pivot 1/2 Turn R Times Two. Fwd. Rock. Coaster Cross.
1-2Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 turn R.
3-4Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 turn R.
Note: You can replace count 1-4 to L Rocking Chair.
5-6Rock fwd on L. Recover back on R.
7&8Step back on L. Step R beside L. Step L across R.
Start Again Enjoy & Happy Dancing
Styling: Dance ball flat throughout, release your knees and use hips.
1-2Point R toe diagonally R. Drag R and touch toe next to L.
3&4Step R diagonally R. Lock L behind R. Step R diagonally R.
5-6Point L toe diagonally L . Drag L and touch toe next to R.
7&8Step L diagonally L. Lock R behind L, Step L diagonally L.
Fwd Rock. Back Lock Step. Touch Back. Reverse 1/2 Turn L. Step Pivot Step 1/4 Turn L.
1-2Rock fwd on R. Recover on L.
3&4Step back on R. Lock step L in front of R. Step back on R.
5-6Touch L toe back. Reverse 1/2 turn L (take weight on R.) (6)
7&8Step fwd on ball of R, Pivot 1/4 turn L, Step R across L. (3)
Side Rock. Behind, Side Cross. Side Rock. Behind Side Cross.
1-2Rock L to L side, Recover on R.
3&4Step L behind R. Step R side. Step L across R.
5-6Rock R to side. Recover on L.
7&8Step R behind L, Step L side, Step R across L.
Step Pivot 1/2 Turn R Times Two. Fwd. Rock. Coaster Cross.
1-2Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 turn R.
3-4Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 turn R.
Note: You can replace count 1-4 to L Rocking Chair.
5-6Rock fwd on L. Recover back on R.
7&8Step back on L. Step R beside L. Step L across R.
Start Again Enjoy & Happy Dancing
Styling: Dance ball flat throughout, release your knees and use hips.