Phrased Beginner / Improver
***3 Tags, 1 Restart
Part A (32 counts)
[1-8] Shuffle fwd, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover
1 & 2Right foot shuffle forward R,L,R
3, 4Rock forward Left foot, recover Right
5&6Left foot shuffles back L,R,L
7, 8Rock back Right foot, recover Left
(Turning option: Shuffle right forward, step left forward and ½ pivot R, Shuffle left forward, step right forward and ½ pivot L)
[9-16] K-Step
1, 2Right foot steps into the right diagonal, touch left next to right
3, 4Left foot steps back diagonally, touch right next to left
5, 6Right foot steps back diagonally, touch left next to right
7, 8Left foot steps forward diagonally, touch right next to left
[17-24] Grapevines (or Rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Right steps out to R, left steps behind R, right steps out to R, touch L next to right.
5,6,7,8Left steps out to L, right steps behind L, left steps out to L, touch R next to left.
[25-32] Heel, toe, shuffle forward, stomp ¼ left turn hitch, coaster step
1, 2Right heel taps forward, cross R over L and tap the R toe
3&4Right foot shuffles forward R,L,R
5, 6Stomp up Left next to R, ¼ turn left hitching the left leg
7&8Left foot steps back, right steps back to meet left, left steps forward
(If you are struggling with the coaster step you can replace with a triple step in place L,R,L)
Part B 24 counts (almost the same as part A but without the K-Step)
[1-8] Shuffle fwd, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover
1 & 2Right foot shuffle forward R,L,R
3, 4Rock forward Left foot, recover Right
5&6Left foot shuffles back L,R,L
7, 8Rock back Right foot, recover Left
(Turning option: Shuffle right forward, step left forward and ½ pivot R, Shuffle left forward, step right forward and ½ pivot L)
[9-16] Grapevines (or Rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Right steps out to R, left steps behind R, right steps out to R, touch L next to right.
5,6,7,8Left steps out to L, right steps behind L, left steps out to L, touch R next to left.
[17-24] Heel, toe, shuffle forward, stomp ¼ left turn hitch, coaster step
1, 2Right heel taps forward, cross R over L and tap the R toe
3&4Right foot shuffles forward R,L,R
5, 6Stomp up Left next to R, ¼ turn left hitching the left leg
7&8Left foot steps back, right steps back to meet left, left steps forward
(If you are struggling with the coaster step you can replace with a triple step in place L,R,L)
TAG: Forward touch, back touch (after walls 2, 6 & 11)
1,2,3,4Step Right foot forward, touch left next to right, step left back, touch right next to left.
Restart: the restart happens on the 5th wall (2nd time you face 12 o’clock wall)
Dance the first 16 counts of Part A then restart phrase Part A.
Ending: Last wall you will dance 16counts of part A, cross right leg over left and do a full unwind to end up back at the 12 o’clock wall.
Phrasing: A, A, TAG, A, B, A(RESTART), A, TAG, A, B, A, A, A, TAG, A, B, A(first 16 counts & ending)
Any questions email Jo at info@medenterta
Part A (32 counts)
[1-8] Shuffle fwd, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover
1 & 2Right foot shuffle forward R,L,R
3, 4Rock forward Left foot, recover Right
5&6Left foot shuffles back L,R,L
7, 8Rock back Right foot, recover Left
(Turning option: Shuffle right forward, step left forward and ½ pivot R, Shuffle left forward, step right forward and ½ pivot L)
[9-16] K-Step
1, 2Right foot steps into the right diagonal, touch left next to right
3, 4Left foot steps back diagonally, touch right next to left
5, 6Right foot steps back diagonally, touch left next to right
7, 8Left foot steps forward diagonally, touch right next to left
[17-24] Grapevines (or Rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Right steps out to R, left steps behind R, right steps out to R, touch L next to right.
5,6,7,8Left steps out to L, right steps behind L, left steps out to L, touch R next to left.
[25-32] Heel, toe, shuffle forward, stomp ¼ left turn hitch, coaster step
1, 2Right heel taps forward, cross R over L and tap the R toe
3&4Right foot shuffles forward R,L,R
5, 6Stomp up Left next to R, ¼ turn left hitching the left leg
7&8Left foot steps back, right steps back to meet left, left steps forward
(If you are struggling with the coaster step you can replace with a triple step in place L,R,L)
Part B 24 counts (almost the same as part A but without the K-Step)
[1-8] Shuffle fwd, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover
1 & 2Right foot shuffle forward R,L,R
3, 4Rock forward Left foot, recover Right
5&6Left foot shuffles back L,R,L
7, 8Rock back Right foot, recover Left
(Turning option: Shuffle right forward, step left forward and ½ pivot R, Shuffle left forward, step right forward and ½ pivot L)
[9-16] Grapevines (or Rolling vines)
1,2,3,4Right steps out to R, left steps behind R, right steps out to R, touch L next to right.
5,6,7,8Left steps out to L, right steps behind L, left steps out to L, touch R next to left.
[17-24] Heel, toe, shuffle forward, stomp ¼ left turn hitch, coaster step
1, 2Right heel taps forward, cross R over L and tap the R toe
3&4Right foot shuffles forward R,L,R
5, 6Stomp up Left next to R, ¼ turn left hitching the left leg
7&8Left foot steps back, right steps back to meet left, left steps forward
(If you are struggling with the coaster step you can replace with a triple step in place L,R,L)
TAG: Forward touch, back touch (after walls 2, 6 & 11)
1,2,3,4Step Right foot forward, touch left next to right, step left back, touch right next to left.
Restart: the restart happens on the 5th wall (2nd time you face 12 o’clock wall)
Dance the first 16 counts of Part A then restart phrase Part A.
Ending: Last wall you will dance 16counts of part A, cross right leg over left and do a full unwind to end up back at the 12 o’clock wall.
Phrasing: A, A, TAG, A, B, A(RESTART), A, TAG, A, B, A, A, A, TAG, A, B, A(first 16 counts & ending)
Any questions email Jo at info@medenterta