Intro: 32 count
Section 1: chassé left, ¼ chassé right, ¼ chassé left, cross behind, toe turn ½ r
1&2Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side (12:00)
3&4Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot to right side (3:00)
5&6Make a ¼ turn right and step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side (6:00)
7-8Touch right toe behind left foot, make a ½ toe turn right (transfer weight to right foot) (12:00)
Section 2: rock forward, ½ turn l/shuffle forward, point, rolling vine r
1-2Step left foot forward, recover onto right food
3&4Make a ¼ turn to left side and step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward (6:00)
5Point right toe to right side
6-8Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot, make a ¼ turn right and step to the right side on right foot (6:00)
Section 3: cross, hold, side heel, hold, & cross, side, sailor step
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, hold
&3-4Step right foot to right side, touch left heel forward, hold
&5-6Step left foot next to right foot, cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side
7&8Step right food behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side
Section 4: heel & heel & toe & heel & step, ½ turn l, ¼ turn l, cross
1&2&Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot
3&4&Touch left toe next to right foot, step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot
5-6Step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot (12:00)
7-8Make a ¼ turn left and step left on left foot, cross right foot over left foot (9:00)
Start again
Restart Wall 6: after 4 count (at 12:00) – make a ¼ turn right to restart the dance at 3:00 (there is a total of 5 chassé to dance.)
Tag with restart Wall 8: after 16 count (at 6:00)
jazz box cross
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, step right foot back
3-4Step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left foot
Then restart the dance.
Ending Wall 11: after 16 count (at 6:00)
jazz box ½ turn l
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, make ¼ turn left and step right foot back
3-4Make a ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot, step forward on right foot
The dance ends with a left stomp forward.
Julia Völkel & Elke Schadewald Germany
Section 1: chassé left, ¼ chassé right, ¼ chassé left, cross behind, toe turn ½ r
1&2Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side (12:00)
3&4Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot to right side (3:00)
5&6Make a ¼ turn right and step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side (6:00)
7-8Touch right toe behind left foot, make a ½ toe turn right (transfer weight to right foot) (12:00)
Section 2: rock forward, ½ turn l/shuffle forward, point, rolling vine r
1-2Step left foot forward, recover onto right food
3&4Make a ¼ turn to left side and step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward (6:00)
5Point right toe to right side
6-8Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot, make a ¼ turn right and step to the right side on right foot (6:00)
Section 3: cross, hold, side heel, hold, & cross, side, sailor step
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, hold
&3-4Step right foot to right side, touch left heel forward, hold
&5-6Step left foot next to right foot, cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side
7&8Step right food behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side
Section 4: heel & heel & toe & heel & step, ½ turn l, ¼ turn l, cross
1&2&Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot
3&4&Touch left toe next to right foot, step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot
5-6Step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot (12:00)
7-8Make a ¼ turn left and step left on left foot, cross right foot over left foot (9:00)
Start again
Restart Wall 6: after 4 count (at 12:00) – make a ¼ turn right to restart the dance at 3:00 (there is a total of 5 chassé to dance.)
Tag with restart Wall 8: after 16 count (at 6:00)
jazz box cross
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, step right foot back
3-4Step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left foot
Then restart the dance.
Ending Wall 11: after 16 count (at 6:00)
jazz box ½ turn l
1-2Cross left foot over right foot, make ¼ turn left and step right foot back
3-4Make a ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot, step forward on right foot
The dance ends with a left stomp forward.
Julia Völkel & Elke Schadewald Germany