CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Someone Never Leaves

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Melinda Yeung (AUS) & Willie Yeung (AUS) - March 2025
Someone Who Comes Back - Amanda Jordan
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Intro: 16 counts

Step R fwd, full right turn fwd, rock L, recover R, turn ½ left step L fwd, step R to side, L behind, R to side, cross L, recover R, step L ¼ left
1 2&Step R fwd, turn ½ right then step L back, turn ½ right then step R fwd(&),
3 4&Rock L fwd, recover R back, turn ½ left then step L fwd(&) (6.00)
56&78&Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side(&), cross L over R, recover R, Step L ¼ left(&) (3.00)

Sweep R, L, syncopated weave, cross rock recover, step R ¼ right, step L spiral full turn right, shuffle fwd
1 2Sweep R fwd, sweep L fwd
3&4&cross R over L, step L to side(&), step R behind L, step L side(&)
56&Rock R across L, recover L, step R ¼ right(&) (6.00)
78&1Step L spiral turn right, step R fwd, step L together(&), step R fwd (6.00)

Touch L toe behind R, back lock back, step R ¼ right NC basic, side, behind, side, cross
2 3&4Touch L toe behind R, step L back, lock R in front L(&), step L behind R
5 6&Big step R turn ¼ right to side (9.00), step L slightly behind R, cross R over L(&)
7&8&Step L to side, step R behind L(&), step L to side, cross R over L(&) (9.00)

Fallaway - side, back, back, side, fwd, fwd, side, back, back, side, fwd
1 2&Step L side, step R ⅛ right back(10.30), step L back(&)(10.30)
3 4&Step R ⅛ right to side(12.00), step L ⅛ right fwd(1.30)*, step R fwd(&)(1.30)
5 6&Step L ⅛ left to side(3.00), step R ⅛ right back(4.30), step L back(&)(4.30)
7 8Step R ⅛ right to side(6.00), step L fwd(6.00)

Restart: * Wall 5 restart after 28 counts, change count 28 step L next to R on the front wall, start the dance again on the front wall.

Finish: Last wall starts on 6.00 dance the first 8 counts step L to side



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