*1 tag/1 restart
Toe heels stomps, Side touches (basic), slide back diagonally
1&2,R toe heel stomp
3&4L toe heel stomp
5&Step R touch L next to right (basic)
6&Step L touch R foot next to left (basic)
7,8Step R backward diagonally and drag/slide left next to right
Shuffle fwd diagonally R and then left, Step Backward R, L, R, step R backward diagonally and drag/slide Left next to right
1&2Shuffle fwd diagonally to left (L,R,L)
3&4Shuffle fwd diagonally to right (R,L,R)
5,6,7,8Step back L, R, Step L back diagonally and drag/slide left next to right
Side cross rocks, Forward R diagonally and twist twist
1&2Rock R to side, recover on L, cross R over L
3&4Rock L to side, recover on R, cross L over R
5,6,7,8Step R forward diagonally and drag/slide left next to right, twist both
Heels R then L
Step pivot ¼ to R (9 o’clock), Step pivot ¼ to R (12 o’clock), slow right rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step R forward & pivot ¼ L, Step R forward & pivot ¼ L
5,6,7,8Slow rocking chair on right (Rock R forward recover, R back recover)
TAG at end of wall 1 before starting wall 2 (6 o’clock) – Step right next to left and clap two beats
Restart on wall 5 (facing 12 o’clock) after 16 counts
Toe heels stomps, Side touches (basic), slide back diagonally
1&2,R toe heel stomp
3&4L toe heel stomp
5&Step R touch L next to right (basic)
6&Step L touch R foot next to left (basic)
7,8Step R backward diagonally and drag/slide left next to right
Shuffle fwd diagonally R and then left, Step Backward R, L, R, step R backward diagonally and drag/slide Left next to right
1&2Shuffle fwd diagonally to left (L,R,L)
3&4Shuffle fwd diagonally to right (R,L,R)
5,6,7,8Step back L, R, Step L back diagonally and drag/slide left next to right
Side cross rocks, Forward R diagonally and twist twist
1&2Rock R to side, recover on L, cross R over L
3&4Rock L to side, recover on R, cross L over R
5,6,7,8Step R forward diagonally and drag/slide left next to right, twist both
Heels R then L
Step pivot ¼ to R (9 o’clock), Step pivot ¼ to R (12 o’clock), slow right rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step R forward & pivot ¼ L, Step R forward & pivot ¼ L
5,6,7,8Slow rocking chair on right (Rock R forward recover, R back recover)
TAG at end of wall 1 before starting wall 2 (6 o’clock) – Step right next to left and clap two beats
Restart on wall 5 (facing 12 o’clock) after 16 counts