High Intermediate
***No Tag, 1 Restart
** Restart on Wall 4 after 8C
Dance up to 6C, and change step into Touch RF Out-In-Out (7&8)
(Restart facing 6.00)
Section 1 : Diagonally Rocking Chair, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, 1/8R Fwd, Fwd Mambo
1&2&Rock RF Fwd to L Diagonal (1), Recover on LF (&), Rock RF Back to L Diagonal (2), Recover on LF (&)
3&4Cross RF over LF (3), Step LF to L Side (&), Step RF behind LF, Sweep LF front to back (4)
5&6Step LF behind RF (5), Step RF to R Side (&), 1/8R, Step LF Fwd (6) (1.30)
****Restart Here on Wall 4
Dance up to 6C, and change step into Touch RF Out-In-Out (7&8) (Restart facing 6.00)
7&8Rock RF Fwd (7), Recover on LF (&), Step RF back (8)
Section 2 : Back with Pop Knee (L&R), Fwd Lock Shuffle, 3/8R Diamond
12Step LF Back, Pop RF knee (1), Step RF Back, Pop LF knee (2)
3&4Step LF Fwd (3), Lock RF behind LF (&), Step LF Fwd (4)
5&6Step RF Fwd (5), 1/8R, Step LF to L Side (&) (3.00), 1/8R, Step RF Back (6) (4.30)
7&8Step LF Back (7), 1/8R, Step RF to R Side (&), Step LF Fwd (8) (6.00)
Section 3 : Side Rock with Roll Hip (X2), Behind, Side, Cross, Monterey 1/4L, Ball, Point, Body Roll, Side/Seated Position, Snap Finger
1&2&Rock RF to R Side (1), Recover on LF (&), Rock RF to R Side (2), Recover on LF (&) (Do side rock with hip roll up&down twice)
3&4Step RF behind LF (3), Step LF to L Side (&), Cross RF over LF (4)
5&6&Point LF to L Side (5), 1/4L, Step LF next to RF (&), Point RF to R Side (6), Ball RF next tp LF (&) (3.00)
7&8Touch LF to L Side, Start body roll (7), Step LF to L Side, Finish body roll (&), Bent LF knee as seated position and snap your Left fingers to your Left side (8)
Section 4 : 1 1/4R Rolling Vine, Fwd Mambo, 1/4R Ball, Cross, 1/4R Fwd, Chase 1/2R
1&21/4R, Step RF Fwd (1), 1/2R, Step LF back (&), 1/2R, Step RF Fwd (2) (6.00)
3&4Rock LF Fwd (3), Recover on LF (&), Step LF Back (4)
&561/4R, Ball RF to R Side (&), Cross LF over RF (5) (9.00), 1/4R, Step RF Fwd (6) (12.00)
7&8Step LF Fwd (7), Pivot 1/2R, Shifting weight to RF (&), Step LF Fwd (8) (6.00)
Start again..
Lets dance and enjoy
Best Regards,
** Restart on Wall 4 after 8C
Dance up to 6C, and change step into Touch RF Out-In-Out (7&8)
(Restart facing 6.00)
Section 1 : Diagonally Rocking Chair, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, 1/8R Fwd, Fwd Mambo
1&2&Rock RF Fwd to L Diagonal (1), Recover on LF (&), Rock RF Back to L Diagonal (2), Recover on LF (&)
3&4Cross RF over LF (3), Step LF to L Side (&), Step RF behind LF, Sweep LF front to back (4)
5&6Step LF behind RF (5), Step RF to R Side (&), 1/8R, Step LF Fwd (6) (1.30)
****Restart Here on Wall 4
Dance up to 6C, and change step into Touch RF Out-In-Out (7&8) (Restart facing 6.00)
7&8Rock RF Fwd (7), Recover on LF (&), Step RF back (8)
Section 2 : Back with Pop Knee (L&R), Fwd Lock Shuffle, 3/8R Diamond
12Step LF Back, Pop RF knee (1), Step RF Back, Pop LF knee (2)
3&4Step LF Fwd (3), Lock RF behind LF (&), Step LF Fwd (4)
5&6Step RF Fwd (5), 1/8R, Step LF to L Side (&) (3.00), 1/8R, Step RF Back (6) (4.30)
7&8Step LF Back (7), 1/8R, Step RF to R Side (&), Step LF Fwd (8) (6.00)
Section 3 : Side Rock with Roll Hip (X2), Behind, Side, Cross, Monterey 1/4L, Ball, Point, Body Roll, Side/Seated Position, Snap Finger
1&2&Rock RF to R Side (1), Recover on LF (&), Rock RF to R Side (2), Recover on LF (&) (Do side rock with hip roll up&down twice)
3&4Step RF behind LF (3), Step LF to L Side (&), Cross RF over LF (4)
5&6&Point LF to L Side (5), 1/4L, Step LF next to RF (&), Point RF to R Side (6), Ball RF next tp LF (&) (3.00)
7&8Touch LF to L Side, Start body roll (7), Step LF to L Side, Finish body roll (&), Bent LF knee as seated position and snap your Left fingers to your Left side (8)
Section 4 : 1 1/4R Rolling Vine, Fwd Mambo, 1/4R Ball, Cross, 1/4R Fwd, Chase 1/2R
1&21/4R, Step RF Fwd (1), 1/2R, Step LF back (&), 1/2R, Step RF Fwd (2) (6.00)
3&4Rock LF Fwd (3), Recover on LF (&), Step LF Back (4)
&561/4R, Ball RF to R Side (&), Cross LF over RF (5) (9.00), 1/4R, Step RF Fwd (6) (12.00)
7&8Step LF Fwd (7), Pivot 1/2R, Shifting weight to RF (&), Step LF Fwd (8) (6.00)
Start again..
Lets dance and enjoy
Best Regards,