No Tag, No Restart
Intro: 16 count
S1: Step Rf fwd, Lf Kick, Step Lf back, Rf back touch, Step R, Vine R 1/4 turn R
1 2Step Rf fwd, Kick Lf fwd
3 4Step Lf back,Point Rf back
5 6Step Rf to R, Step Lf behind Rf
7 81/4 turn R step Rf fwd, Step Lf next to Rf (03:00)
S2: Swivel R (x3), Swivel L (x3), Reverse 1/2 paddle turn R
1 & 2Swivel heels R, Swivel toes R, Swivel heels R
3 & 4Swivel heels L, Swivel toes L, Swivel heels L (4:30)
5 6RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R, RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R
7 8RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R, Touch Rf next to Lf (09:00)
S3: Step Rf to R, Lf touch behind, 1/4 turn R step to L, Rf touch behind, 1/4 turn R fwd shuffle, 1/2 turn L fwd shuffle
1 2Step Rf to R, Lf back touch
3 41/4 Turn R step Lf to L, Rf back touch
5 & 61/4 Turn R, Shuffle R-L-R (03:00)
7 & 81/2 Turn L, Shuffle L-R-L (09:00)
S4: Step R fwd popping L knee, 1/4 Turn R popping knee (x2), Step L fwd popping R knee, V-step (jump back), Rf back jump, Lf together
1 2Step Rf fwd pop L knee, 1/4 turn R Step Lf fwd pop R knee
3 41/4 turn R Step Rf fwd pop L knee, L Step fwd pop R knee (03:00)
5 6Rf Out, Lf Out
& 7 & 8Rf In (jump), Lf In (together), Rf back jump, Lf step next to Rf
For any question contact
Christie Lim:
Peter Reber:
Intro: 16 count
S1: Step Rf fwd, Lf Kick, Step Lf back, Rf back touch, Step R, Vine R 1/4 turn R
1 2Step Rf fwd, Kick Lf fwd
3 4Step Lf back,Point Rf back
5 6Step Rf to R, Step Lf behind Rf
7 81/4 turn R step Rf fwd, Step Lf next to Rf (03:00)
S2: Swivel R (x3), Swivel L (x3), Reverse 1/2 paddle turn R
1 & 2Swivel heels R, Swivel toes R, Swivel heels R
3 & 4Swivel heels L, Swivel toes L, Swivel heels L (4:30)
5 6RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R, RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R
7 8RF point toes and push 1/8 turn R, Touch Rf next to Lf (09:00)
S3: Step Rf to R, Lf touch behind, 1/4 turn R step to L, Rf touch behind, 1/4 turn R fwd shuffle, 1/2 turn L fwd shuffle
1 2Step Rf to R, Lf back touch
3 41/4 Turn R step Lf to L, Rf back touch
5 & 61/4 Turn R, Shuffle R-L-R (03:00)
7 & 81/2 Turn L, Shuffle L-R-L (09:00)
S4: Step R fwd popping L knee, 1/4 Turn R popping knee (x2), Step L fwd popping R knee, V-step (jump back), Rf back jump, Lf together
1 2Step Rf fwd pop L knee, 1/4 turn R Step Lf fwd pop R knee
3 41/4 turn R Step Rf fwd pop L knee, L Step fwd pop R knee (03:00)
5 6Rf Out, Lf Out
& 7 & 8Rf In (jump), Lf In (together), Rf back jump, Lf step next to Rf
For any question contact
Christie Lim:
Peter Reber: