Intermediate WCS
(NO Tags or Restarts)
Intro: 40 counts from the start (approx. 24s – listen for lyric “caught in the rhythm” and start on the word “rhythm”)
Music available on: and all major music platforms
S1: Walk Fwd R, L, R Anchor Step, Full Turn L, L Coaster
1,2Walk forward R (1), walk forward L (2)
3&4Step R behind L and rock back (3), recover weight on L (&), rock back on R (4)
5,6Make ½ turn L stepping forward on L (5), make ½ turn L stepping back on R (6)
7&8Step back on L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (8) [12:00]
S2: R Samba, Cross L, Point R, Full Monterey, Sweep L, L Cross Shuffle
1&2Cross step R over L (1), step L to L side (&), step R next to L (2)
3,4Cross step L over R (3), point R to R side (4) (start of Monterey turn)
5Make a full Monterey turn R stepping R next to L (5)
6Sweep L around from back to front (6)
7&8Cross step L over R (7), step R to R side (&), cross step L over R (8) [12:00]
S3: Rock R, Recover, R Behind-Side-Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, Step L ¼ L, Swivel ½ R
1,2Rock R slightly forward to R diagonal (1), recover weight on L (2)
3&4Step R behind L (3), step L to L side (&), cross step R over L (4)
5&6Hold (5), step ball of L to L side (&), cross step R over L (6)
7Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (7) [9:00]
8Keeping feet where they are make ½ swivel turn R (weight forward on R) (8) [3:00]
S4: Swivel ½ L, Sweep ½ L, Walk Fwd R, L, R Brush-Out-Out, Ball Cross, Low Hitch
1Keeping feet where they are make ½ swivel turn L (weight forward on L) (1) [9:00]
2Keeping weight on L make ½ turn L and sweep R around and touch beside L (2) [3:00]
3,4Walk forward R (3), walk forward L (4)
5&6Brush R forward (5), small step R to R side (&), small step L to L side (6) (shoulder-width apart)
&7Step R next to L (&), cross step L over R (7)
8Keeping weight on L bring R around with a low hitch to touch R next to L and slightly cross R knee in front of L (8)
Start Over
Intro: 40 counts from the start (approx. 24s – listen for lyric “caught in the rhythm” and start on the word “rhythm”)
Music available on: and all major music platforms
S1: Walk Fwd R, L, R Anchor Step, Full Turn L, L Coaster
1,2Walk forward R (1), walk forward L (2)
3&4Step R behind L and rock back (3), recover weight on L (&), rock back on R (4)
5,6Make ½ turn L stepping forward on L (5), make ½ turn L stepping back on R (6)
7&8Step back on L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (8) [12:00]
S2: R Samba, Cross L, Point R, Full Monterey, Sweep L, L Cross Shuffle
1&2Cross step R over L (1), step L to L side (&), step R next to L (2)
3,4Cross step L over R (3), point R to R side (4) (start of Monterey turn)
5Make a full Monterey turn R stepping R next to L (5)
6Sweep L around from back to front (6)
7&8Cross step L over R (7), step R to R side (&), cross step L over R (8) [12:00]
S3: Rock R, Recover, R Behind-Side-Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, Step L ¼ L, Swivel ½ R
1,2Rock R slightly forward to R diagonal (1), recover weight on L (2)
3&4Step R behind L (3), step L to L side (&), cross step R over L (4)
5&6Hold (5), step ball of L to L side (&), cross step R over L (6)
7Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (7) [9:00]
8Keeping feet where they are make ½ swivel turn R (weight forward on R) (8) [3:00]
S4: Swivel ½ L, Sweep ½ L, Walk Fwd R, L, R Brush-Out-Out, Ball Cross, Low Hitch
1Keeping feet where they are make ½ swivel turn L (weight forward on L) (1) [9:00]
2Keeping weight on L make ½ turn L and sweep R around and touch beside L (2) [3:00]
3,4Walk forward R (3), walk forward L (4)
5&6Brush R forward (5), small step R to R side (&), small step L to L side (6) (shoulder-width apart)
&7Step R next to L (&), cross step L over R (7)
8Keeping weight on L bring R around with a low hitch to touch R next to L and slightly cross R knee in front of L (8)
Start Over