Intro: 16 counts
S1 Walk Forward R L R, Pivot ¼ L, R Cross, ½ R Hinge, L Cross
1 2 3Walk forward R, L, R
4 5Pivot ¼ L shifting weight to L, cross R over L (9:00)
6 7¼ R stepping back on L, ¼ R stepping R to R side (3:00)
8Cross L over R
S2 R Step Touch, L Kick Ball Cross, L Side Drag, R Back Rock
1 2Step R to R side, touch L beside R
3&4Kick L forward, step on the ball of L slightly behind R, cross R over L
5 6Take a big step to the L on L, drag R towards L
7 8Rock back on R, recover onto L
S3 R Rock Forward, R Back Touch/ Sit on R, L Out, R Out, Hip Rolls
1 2Rock forward on R, recover onto L
3 4Step back on R, touch L in front of R while sitting on R with knees bent
(styling option: body roll as you step back)
5 6Step L out to L side putting L hand on L hip, step R out to R side putting R hand on R hip
7 8Roll hips anti-clockwise over 2 counts with weight ending on R
S4 L Cross Rock, L Side Chasse, R Jazz box
1 2Cross L over R, recover onto R
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side
5 6Cross R over L, step L slightly back
7 8Step R to R side, step forward L
Styling: Counts 1-4 of S1 and S3 on Walls 3, 6: put R hand up (with extended thumb + pinky and other fingers curled) to act like raising your glass and drinking
ENDING: on Wall 8, finish counts 1-7 on S1 to face the front. 1(647) 295-3833 1(615) 207 5207
S1 Walk Forward R L R, Pivot ¼ L, R Cross, ½ R Hinge, L Cross
1 2 3Walk forward R, L, R
4 5Pivot ¼ L shifting weight to L, cross R over L (9:00)
6 7¼ R stepping back on L, ¼ R stepping R to R side (3:00)
8Cross L over R
S2 R Step Touch, L Kick Ball Cross, L Side Drag, R Back Rock
1 2Step R to R side, touch L beside R
3&4Kick L forward, step on the ball of L slightly behind R, cross R over L
5 6Take a big step to the L on L, drag R towards L
7 8Rock back on R, recover onto L
S3 R Rock Forward, R Back Touch/ Sit on R, L Out, R Out, Hip Rolls
1 2Rock forward on R, recover onto L
3 4Step back on R, touch L in front of R while sitting on R with knees bent
(styling option: body roll as you step back)
5 6Step L out to L side putting L hand on L hip, step R out to R side putting R hand on R hip
7 8Roll hips anti-clockwise over 2 counts with weight ending on R
S4 L Cross Rock, L Side Chasse, R Jazz box
1 2Cross L over R, recover onto R
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side
5 6Cross R over L, step L slightly back
7 8Step R to R side, step forward L
Styling: Counts 1-4 of S1 and S3 on Walls 3, 6: put R hand up (with extended thumb + pinky and other fingers curled) to act like raising your glass and drinking
ENDING: on Wall 8, finish counts 1-7 on S1 to face the front. 1(647) 295-3833 1(615) 207 5207