#16-count intro…
[1-8] RF Rocking Chair, RF Side Point and Flick Behind, RF Step Side, LF Cross Behind RF
1-4RF rock fwd, recover LF, RF rock back, recover LF
5-8RF step side, RF flick behind to left, RF step side, LF cross behind RF
[9-16] RF 1/2 Turn with L Knee Hitch, LF Step Side, RF Cross Behind LF, RF step touch, LF step touch
1-2RF flips for ½ turn over right should with the L knee coming up for hitch
3-4LF step side, RF cross behind LF
5-8LF step side, RF tap next to LF, RF step side, LF tap next to RF
[17-24] LF Step Sweep, RF Step Sweep, LF Rock Recover, LF Step Back, RF Hook
1-4LF step fwd, RF sweep around from side to front, RF step fwd, LF sweep around from side to front
5-8LF rock fwd, recover RF, LF step back, RF hook in front of L
[25-32] RF Step Side 1/4 Turn and Tap, LF Side Shuffle, Heel Switches, Toe Switches
1-2RF steps to side making a ¼ over left shoulder, LF taps next to RF
3-4LF steps side, RF steps next to LF, LF steps side
5&6&RF heel tap front, RF replace next to LF, LF heel tap front, LF replace next to RF
7&8&RF toe tap front, RF replace next to LF, LF toe tap front, LF replace next to RF
Restart the dance
Thank you for checking out my dance!
[1-8] RF Rocking Chair, RF Side Point and Flick Behind, RF Step Side, LF Cross Behind RF
1-4RF rock fwd, recover LF, RF rock back, recover LF
5-8RF step side, RF flick behind to left, RF step side, LF cross behind RF
[9-16] RF 1/2 Turn with L Knee Hitch, LF Step Side, RF Cross Behind LF, RF step touch, LF step touch
1-2RF flips for ½ turn over right should with the L knee coming up for hitch
3-4LF step side, RF cross behind LF
5-8LF step side, RF tap next to LF, RF step side, LF tap next to RF
[17-24] LF Step Sweep, RF Step Sweep, LF Rock Recover, LF Step Back, RF Hook
1-4LF step fwd, RF sweep around from side to front, RF step fwd, LF sweep around from side to front
5-8LF rock fwd, recover RF, LF step back, RF hook in front of L
[25-32] RF Step Side 1/4 Turn and Tap, LF Side Shuffle, Heel Switches, Toe Switches
1-2RF steps to side making a ¼ over left shoulder, LF taps next to RF
3-4LF steps side, RF steps next to LF, LF steps side
5&6&RF heel tap front, RF replace next to LF, LF heel tap front, LF replace next to RF
7&8&RF toe tap front, RF replace next to LF, LF toe tap front, LF replace next to RF
Restart the dance
Thank you for checking out my dance!