Intro: 32 counts on vocals
Heel Struts Forward RLRL, Toe Struts Back RLRL * R
1234R heel Fwd, ball of R foot down, repeat LRL (single counts)
5678R toe back, heel of R down, repeat LRL (single counts)
Rock R, Replace, Behind R, Side (&), Cross R, Rock L, Replace, Behind L, Side (&), Cross L
123&4Rock R side, replace onto L, step R behind L, side L (&), cross R over L
567&8Rock L side, replace onto R, step L behind R, side R (&), cross L over R
Side R, Together L, Back R, Touch L, Side L, Together R, Forward L, Touch R
1234Step side R, tog L, step back R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, tog R, step Fwd L, touch R beside L
(These counts are introducing Rhumba steps)
Step R, Touch L, Step L, Touch R ** Finish, Step Side R, Together L, Step Side R, Touch L
1234Step side R, touch L beside R, step side L, touch R beside L
5678Step side R, tog L, step side R, touch L beside R
Side L, Behind R, 1/4 Turn L, Touch R, Hips RLRL
1234Step side L, step R behind L, 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L
5678Hips RL RL
Vine R, Vine L
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, behind R, step side L, touch R beside L
Restart: * Wall 4, facing 3.00. Dance to count 8 R
Finish: ** Wall 10, facing 12.00. Dance to count 28
GLENDA SILVER: Footloose Email:
MOBILE: 0427927019
Heel Struts Forward RLRL, Toe Struts Back RLRL * R
1234R heel Fwd, ball of R foot down, repeat LRL (single counts)
5678R toe back, heel of R down, repeat LRL (single counts)
Rock R, Replace, Behind R, Side (&), Cross R, Rock L, Replace, Behind L, Side (&), Cross L
123&4Rock R side, replace onto L, step R behind L, side L (&), cross R over L
567&8Rock L side, replace onto R, step L behind R, side R (&), cross L over R
Side R, Together L, Back R, Touch L, Side L, Together R, Forward L, Touch R
1234Step side R, tog L, step back R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, tog R, step Fwd L, touch R beside L
(These counts are introducing Rhumba steps)
Step R, Touch L, Step L, Touch R ** Finish, Step Side R, Together L, Step Side R, Touch L
1234Step side R, touch L beside R, step side L, touch R beside L
5678Step side R, tog L, step side R, touch L beside R
Side L, Behind R, 1/4 Turn L, Touch R, Hips RLRL
1234Step side L, step R behind L, 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L
5678Hips RL RL
Vine R, Vine L
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, touch L beside R
5678Step side L, behind R, step side L, touch R beside L
Restart: * Wall 4, facing 3.00. Dance to count 8 R
Finish: ** Wall 10, facing 12.00. Dance to count 28
GLENDA SILVER: Footloose Email:
MOBILE: 0427927019