S1:walk forward, kick, walk back
1-2step R walk forward, step L walk forward
3-4step R walk forward,step L kick forward
5-6step L walk back,step R walk back
7-8step L walk back,step R touch next to L
S2: Side Point R, Side Together R, Side Point L, Side Together L
1-2Point R to R, step R beside L
3-4Step R to side - Step L together
5-6Point L to L, step L beside R
7-8Step L to side - Step R together
S3:side-beside touch-side -beside touch-rockingchair
1-2step R to side, touch L beside R
3-4step L to side, touch R beside L
5-8step R foward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L
S4. 1/4turn paddle, forward, touch, back, touch
1-2step R to R, turn 1/4L
3-4step R to R, turn 1/4 L
5-6step R forward, touch L sideR
7-8step Lback, touch R side L
*tag(4c) :V step
1-4Step R diagonal forward-step L diagonal forward-step R back to center-step L together
1-2step R walk forward, step L walk forward
3-4step R walk forward,step L kick forward
5-6step L walk back,step R walk back
7-8step L walk back,step R touch next to L
S2: Side Point R, Side Together R, Side Point L, Side Together L
1-2Point R to R, step R beside L
3-4Step R to side - Step L together
5-6Point L to L, step L beside R
7-8Step L to side - Step R together
S3:side-beside touch-side -beside touch-rockingchair
1-2step R to side, touch L beside R
3-4step L to side, touch R beside L
5-8step R foward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L
S4. 1/4turn paddle, forward, touch, back, touch
1-2step R to R, turn 1/4L
3-4step R to R, turn 1/4 L
5-6step R forward, touch L sideR
7-8step Lback, touch R side L
*tag(4c) :V step
1-4Step R diagonal forward-step L diagonal forward-step R back to center-step L together