Phrased Beginner
PART A (1-4): 48 counts
A1: Conga Walks and Step Together Step Touches - 16 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Walk forward R,L,R, kick L, Walk backward L,R,L, touch R
1234,5678Step R, join L, step R, touch L, step L, join R, step L, touch R.
A2: Stomp R and Tap Heel, Stomp L and Tap Heel - 8 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Stomp R and tap heel 3 times, stomp L and tap heel 3 times
A3: Hop front, back, front front front - 8 ct
&1,-,&3,-,&5,&6,&7Hop front, hop back, hop front, hop front, hop front, hop front
A4: Blow a kiss with the right hand, blow a kiss with the left hand, and shrug - 8 ct
12,34,5678Blow a kiss R, blow a kiss L, shrug up for 2 counts and down for 2 counts
A5: Box step, paddle/recover with lasso twice to turn ¼ L, 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (12-to-9) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
PART B - 32 counts
B: Vines, step touches, heels, 2 claps, step-points, rock step, triple, back it up & hitch - 32 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
PART C - 8 counts
C1: Cross, Unwind, & Show Off With 2 Claps - 8 counts
1,234,567&8Cross R over L, unwind over 3 counts, improve and show off for 4 counts + 2 claps (&8)
PART D - 16 counts
D1: Triple step, step, turn, triple step step, turn - 16 ct
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
*ABBREVIATED* PART A (Repeat A1, A3, A5): 32 ct
REPEAT A1: Conga Walks and Step Together Step Touches (can swap with turns) - 16 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Walk forward R,L,R, kick L, Walk backward L,R,L, touch R
1234,5678Step R, join L, step R, touch L, step L, join R, step L, touch R.
REPEAT A3: Hop front, back, front front front - 8 ct
&1,-,&3,-,&5,&6,&7Hop front, hop back, hop front, hop front, hop front, hop front
REPEAT A5: Box step, paddle/recover with lasso twice to turn ¼ L, 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (9-to-6) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
REPEAT PART B - 32 counts
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
C2: Cross, Unwind, Cross, Unwind - 8 ct
1,234,5,678Cross R over L, unwind to turn fully around, cross L over R and unwind to turn fully around
D2: Triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn +2 claps, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,7&8Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½) + 2 claps
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
REPEAT A2: Stomp R and Tap Heel, Stomp L and Tap Heel - 8 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Stomp R and tap heel 3 times, stomp L and tap heel 3 times
REPEAT A5: Box step, paddle/step with lasso 2x to turn ¼ L, *pause with music* + 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (6-to-3) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
REPEAT B + C2 + C1 - 48 counts
B: Vines, step touches, heels, 2 claps, step-points, rock step, triple, back it up & hitch - 32 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
C2: Cross, Unwind, Cross, Unwind - 8 ct
1,234,5,678Cross R over L, unwind to turn fully around, cross L over R and unwind to turn fully around
C1: Cross, Unwind, & Show Off With 2 Claps - 8 counts
1,234,567&8Cross R over L, unwind over 3 counts, improve and show off for 4 counts + 2 claps (&8)
A1: Conga Walks and Step Together Step Touches - 16 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Walk forward R,L,R, kick L, Walk backward L,R,L, touch R
1234,5678Step R, join L, step R, touch L, step L, join R, step L, touch R.
A2: Stomp R and Tap Heel, Stomp L and Tap Heel - 8 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Stomp R and tap heel 3 times, stomp L and tap heel 3 times
A3: Hop front, back, front front front - 8 ct
&1,-,&3,-,&5,&6,&7Hop front, hop back, hop front, hop front, hop front, hop front
A4: Blow a kiss with the right hand, blow a kiss with the left hand, and shrug - 8 ct
12,34,5678Blow a kiss R, blow a kiss L, shrug up for 2 counts and down for 2 counts
A5: Box step, paddle/recover with lasso twice to turn ¼ L, 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (12-to-9) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
PART B - 32 counts
B: Vines, step touches, heels, 2 claps, step-points, rock step, triple, back it up & hitch - 32 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
PART C - 8 counts
C1: Cross, Unwind, & Show Off With 2 Claps - 8 counts
1,234,567&8Cross R over L, unwind over 3 counts, improve and show off for 4 counts + 2 claps (&8)
PART D - 16 counts
D1: Triple step, step, turn, triple step step, turn - 16 ct
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
*ABBREVIATED* PART A (Repeat A1, A3, A5): 32 ct
REPEAT A1: Conga Walks and Step Together Step Touches (can swap with turns) - 16 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Walk forward R,L,R, kick L, Walk backward L,R,L, touch R
1234,5678Step R, join L, step R, touch L, step L, join R, step L, touch R.
REPEAT A3: Hop front, back, front front front - 8 ct
&1,-,&3,-,&5,&6,&7Hop front, hop back, hop front, hop front, hop front, hop front
REPEAT A5: Box step, paddle/recover with lasso twice to turn ¼ L, 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (9-to-6) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
REPEAT PART B - 32 counts
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
C2: Cross, Unwind, Cross, Unwind - 8 ct
1,234,5,678Cross R over L, unwind to turn fully around, cross L over R and unwind to turn fully around
D2: Triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn +2 claps, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn, triple R, step turn, triple L, step turn
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,7&8Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½) + 2 claps
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
1&2,34,5&6,78Triple RLR, step L turn right (½), LRL, step R, turn L (½)
REPEAT A2: Stomp R and Tap Heel, Stomp L and Tap Heel - 8 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Stomp R and tap heel 3 times, stomp L and tap heel 3 times
REPEAT A5: Box step, paddle/step with lasso 2x to turn ¼ L, *pause with music* + 2 claps - 8 ct
1,2,3,4Step forward R, step L next to R, step back R, step L next to R
5,6,7,&8Turn ¼ L (6-to-3) lasso and paddle R/step L, lasso and paddle R/step left, 2 claps (&8)
REPEAT B + C2 + C1 - 48 counts
B: Vines, step touches, heels, 2 claps, step-points, rock step, triple, back it up & hitch - 32 ct
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Vine R touch L, vine L touch R
12,34,&5,&6,&7,&8Step R touch L, step L touch R, heels (R,L,R), hold feet + 2 claps
12,34Moving forward step Forward R, point L foot L, step L forward, point R foot R
56,78Moving backward step R, point L foot L, step back L, point R toe to R
1,2,3&4Rock back R, recover L, triple forward R,L,R
5,6,7,&8Walk backward L, R, L, and hitch R knee
C2: Cross, Unwind, Cross, Unwind - 8 ct
1,234,5,678Cross R over L, unwind to turn fully around, cross L over R and unwind to turn fully around
C1: Cross, Unwind, & Show Off With 2 Claps - 8 counts
1,234,567&8Cross R over L, unwind over 3 counts, improve and show off for 4 counts + 2 claps (&8)