Phrased Easy Intermediate
Intro: 16 Counts
Dance Sequence: ABAA- ABAA- BB AA
Pattern: 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32
Leave off last 16 counts on the A-
Part A = 32 counts
Section 1: Wizard R & L; Heel switches; Walk forward R- L
1,2&Step R diagonally forward R (1), Lock L behind R (2), Step R diagonally forward R (&)
3,4&Step L diagonally forward L (3), Lock R behind L (4), Step L diagonally forward L (&)
5&6&Tap R heel forward (5), Step R next to L (&), Touch L heel forward (6), Step L next to R (&)
7-8Walk forward R (7), Walk forward Left (8) 12:00
Section 2: Rock-recover, Shuffle back Right, ½, ½ , Coaster-Cross
1-2Rock forward R (1), Recover L (2)
3&4Shuffle back R – R (3), L (&), R (4)
5-6Full turn over L- Step L ½ forward at 6:00 (5), Step R ½ back (6) 12:00
Easier option: Walk backward L, R
7&8Step Back on Left (7), Bring R next to L (&), Cross/Step L over Right (8)
Section 3: Right Side-Together Side Shuffle, Left Rocking chair in diagonal
1-2Step Right side right (1), Step Left together (2)
3&4Shuffle to the side: R (3), L (&), R (4)
5-8In the diagonal - Rock forward L (5), Recover R (6), Rock back on L (7), Recover R (8) facing 1:30
Section 4: Turning Jazz (3/8 over left) w touch; Monterey ½ over Right
1-4Cross Step L over R (1), Step R back 1/8 turn L (2) (12:00), Step Left ¼ L Squaring Up to 9:00 (3), Touch R beside L (4)
5-6Right toe side right (5), Swing Right around ½ turn right stepping right next to left (6) weight ends on right
7-8Touch Left toe side left (7), Step Left next to right (8) weight on left 3:00
Part B = 16 counts
Section 1: Stomp R, Take index finger L to R over 3 Counts
1-4Stomp R to R side (1), Take R index finger and move across chest level L to R over 3 counts until the arm is extended out. (2-4)
Section 2: Stomp L, Hold two fingers R to L over 3 counts
1-4Stomp L to L side (1), Take 2 fingers and move across chest level R to L over 3 counts Until the arm is extended out (2-4)
Section 3: Stomp R, Hold three fingers up L to R over 3 counts; Look over right shoulder blow kiss; face forward and bump hips LRL; Hold
1-4Stomp R to R side and hold up 3 fingers on R (1), Hold (2) Look back over right hold hand to cheek (3) – blow a kiss (4)
5-8Face forward and bump LRL (5-7), Hold (8)
Contact Info: Contact:
Last Update: 23 Feb 2025
Dance Sequence: ABAA- ABAA- BB AA
Pattern: 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32
Leave off last 16 counts on the A-
Part A = 32 counts
Section 1: Wizard R & L; Heel switches; Walk forward R- L
1,2&Step R diagonally forward R (1), Lock L behind R (2), Step R diagonally forward R (&)
3,4&Step L diagonally forward L (3), Lock R behind L (4), Step L diagonally forward L (&)
5&6&Tap R heel forward (5), Step R next to L (&), Touch L heel forward (6), Step L next to R (&)
7-8Walk forward R (7), Walk forward Left (8) 12:00
Section 2: Rock-recover, Shuffle back Right, ½, ½ , Coaster-Cross
1-2Rock forward R (1), Recover L (2)
3&4Shuffle back R – R (3), L (&), R (4)
5-6Full turn over L- Step L ½ forward at 6:00 (5), Step R ½ back (6) 12:00
Easier option: Walk backward L, R
7&8Step Back on Left (7), Bring R next to L (&), Cross/Step L over Right (8)
Section 3: Right Side-Together Side Shuffle, Left Rocking chair in diagonal
1-2Step Right side right (1), Step Left together (2)
3&4Shuffle to the side: R (3), L (&), R (4)
5-8In the diagonal - Rock forward L (5), Recover R (6), Rock back on L (7), Recover R (8) facing 1:30
Section 4: Turning Jazz (3/8 over left) w touch; Monterey ½ over Right
1-4Cross Step L over R (1), Step R back 1/8 turn L (2) (12:00), Step Left ¼ L Squaring Up to 9:00 (3), Touch R beside L (4)
5-6Right toe side right (5), Swing Right around ½ turn right stepping right next to left (6) weight ends on right
7-8Touch Left toe side left (7), Step Left next to right (8) weight on left 3:00
Part B = 16 counts
Section 1: Stomp R, Take index finger L to R over 3 Counts
1-4Stomp R to R side (1), Take R index finger and move across chest level L to R over 3 counts until the arm is extended out. (2-4)
Section 2: Stomp L, Hold two fingers R to L over 3 counts
1-4Stomp L to L side (1), Take 2 fingers and move across chest level R to L over 3 counts Until the arm is extended out (2-4)
Section 3: Stomp R, Hold three fingers up L to R over 3 counts; Look over right shoulder blow kiss; face forward and bump hips LRL; Hold
1-4Stomp R to R side and hold up 3 fingers on R (1), Hold (2) Look back over right hold hand to cheek (3) – blow a kiss (4)
5-8Face forward and bump LRL (5-7), Hold (8)
Contact Info: Contact:
Last Update: 23 Feb 2025