High Beginner
Intro: begins with the first note of the song
(1-8) r mambo Side, l mambo Side, mambo forward, back mambo
1&2 –Step right to the side, recover weight onto left, step right next to left
3&4 –Step left to the side, recover weight onto right, step left next to right
5&6 –Step right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back
7&8 –Step left back, recover weight onto right, step left forward
(9-16) Cross Samba, Cross Samba, paddle turn x3 (with hip)
1&2 –Cross right over left, step left to the side, step right in place
3&4 –Cross left over right, step right to the side, step left in place
5-6 –turn 1/4 left, point right to the side, turn ¼ left, point right to the Side
7-8 –turn ¼ Left, point right to the side, turn ¼ Left ,step right forward
(17-24) paddle turn x4, sway hips x3
1-2 –turn 1/4 right, point left to the side, turn ¼ right, point left to the side
3-4 –turn 1/4 right , point left to the side, turn ¼ right, point left to the side
5-8 –step Left to the side, Sway hips left, right, left (or optional styling)
Last Update: 20 Feb 2025
(1-8) r mambo Side, l mambo Side, mambo forward, back mambo
1&2 –Step right to the side, recover weight onto left, step right next to left
3&4 –Step left to the side, recover weight onto right, step left next to right
5&6 –Step right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back
7&8 –Step left back, recover weight onto right, step left forward
(9-16) Cross Samba, Cross Samba, paddle turn x3 (with hip)
1&2 –Cross right over left, step left to the side, step right in place
3&4 –Cross left over right, step right to the side, step left in place
5-6 –turn 1/4 left, point right to the side, turn ¼ left, point right to the Side
7-8 –turn ¼ Left, point right to the side, turn ¼ Left ,step right forward
(17-24) paddle turn x4, sway hips x3
1-2 –turn 1/4 right, point left to the side, turn ¼ right, point left to the side
3-4 –turn 1/4 right , point left to the side, turn ¼ right, point left to the side
5-8 –step Left to the side, Sway hips left, right, left (or optional styling)
Last Update: 20 Feb 2025