CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gods Country

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Steve Carlson (USA) - February 2025
God's Country - Blake Shelton
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[1st 8 count] Right Toe Heel Stomp slide Right, Left toe heel stomp slide left
1&234Right toe touch, drop R heel and stomp & slide to the right side
5678Left toe touch, drop L heel and stomp & slide to the left side

[ 2nd 8 Count, 9-16 ] Right rock Recover, Left Rock recover to corners, Right Stomp, Left kick out performing Reverse half turn, Left Coaster step
1&23&4Right rock to left oblique corner, recover on left foot and right foot returns, Left rock to right oblique corner, recover weight on right foot and left foot returns
5678Right stomp down, kick left foot out while performing reverse half turn ending in a left coaster, left foot back, right foot back, left foot half step forward from right foot

[ 3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Right Shuffle Left, Left step back into ¼ turn(reverse) recover right, then natural full turn around, Left shuffle forward
1&2,34Right Shuffle then left step behind right leg performing a reverse ¼ turn and recovering on right foot on count 4
5, 6, 7&8Left step forward, then bring R foot around into natural full turn, and shuffle forward Left foot, right foot, left foot.

Easy Beginner dance. Rejoice and have fun with this wholesome song & dance.
Your comments are always appreciated & we would love to see any videos of your line dancing this dance at your local church or venue!
(Each time you finish the dance you will end up one quarter turn to the right of the previous wall start)


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