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Right rock recover, natural triple step half turn, left rock forward recover right, left coaster step
123&4Right rock recover left, & natural right triple step half turn,
567&8Left rock forward & recover back on right foot then left coaster step
Right Stomp hold, body roll right, natural ¼ turn while body roll left, right sailor step behind
1234Right Stomp, hold on count 2, body roll right, perform natural ¼ turn while doing left body roll
567&8Perform natural ¼ turn while doing left body roll, Right foot behind left, recover on left & right foot return
Left sailor step behind, Hop & cross R over left foot, Unwind into 540 degree turn( slow half for modification)
1&234Left sailor step behind right foot & left foot return, Hop & cross right foot over left
5678Perform reverse spin (540) full turn half turn [ can be modified to one slow half turn 4 counts ]
Shake to the right and side step two times
1234Step to right side & Shake hips Right, left, right; left foot step next to right foot
5678Step to right side & Shake hips Right, left, right; left foot step next to right foot Choreographer: Steve Carlson
Right rock recover, natural triple step half turn, left rock forward recover right, left coaster step
123&4Right rock recover left, & natural right triple step half turn,
567&8Left rock forward & recover back on right foot then left coaster step
Right Stomp hold, body roll right, natural ¼ turn while body roll left, right sailor step behind
1234Right Stomp, hold on count 2, body roll right, perform natural ¼ turn while doing left body roll
567&8Perform natural ¼ turn while doing left body roll, Right foot behind left, recover on left & right foot return
Left sailor step behind, Hop & cross R over left foot, Unwind into 540 degree turn( slow half for modification)
1&234Left sailor step behind right foot & left foot return, Hop & cross right foot over left
5678Perform reverse spin (540) full turn half turn [ can be modified to one slow half turn 4 counts ]
Shake to the right and side step two times
1234Step to right side & Shake hips Right, left, right; left foot step next to right foot
5678Step to right side & Shake hips Right, left, right; left foot step next to right foot Choreographer: Steve Carlson