Count: 1-8
1,2,3,4RF heel tap (1), LF heel tap (2), RF heel tap (3) swivel heel turning over R shoulder (4)
5&6,7,8triple step RF steps back, LF steps back, RF steps forward (5 & 6), shuffle step with LF forward (7,8)
First 8 count ends facing 3 o’clock wall.
Count: 9-16
1,2,3&4Rock step on RF(1), slight hitch (2), shuffle step with RF forward turning 180 degrees over R shoulder (3 & 4)
5,6,7&8rock step on LF (5), slight hitch (6), shuffle step with LF forward turning 270 degrees over L shoulder (7 & 8)
Second 8 count ends facing 12 o’clock wall.
Count: 17-24
1,2,3&4Kick RF in front (1), Kick RF to the R (2), triple step RF steps back, LF steps back, RF steps forward (3 & 4)
5,6,7,8step LF forward (5), step RF forward (6), tip hat or shake hips (7, 8)
Third 8 count ends facing 12 o’clock wall.
Count: 25-32
1,2,3&4Step RF out to the R side (1,2), step LF behind RF (3), step RF out to the R side (&), step LF in front of the RF (4)
&5,6,7,8step RF out to the R side (&), step LF behind the RF (5), step LF out the L side (6), turn 180 degrees over L shoulder stepping RF next to LF (7), turn 270 degrees over L shoulder ending with LF forward facing the 6 o’clock wall (8)
Final 8 count ends facing 3 o’clock wall.
TAG: 8 count tag (X2) - after the first 10 walls, starting at the 9 o’clock wall, move your hips in a
circle while pivoting on LF and doing a 180 degree turn to face the 12 o’clock wall (1,2,3,4),
freestyle (5,6,7,8)
Second tag happens at the very end of the song starting again at the 9 o’clock wall. After hip
circles and 180 degree turn (1,2,3,4), freestyle facing the 12 o’clock wall till the song is over.
1,2,3,4RF heel tap (1), LF heel tap (2), RF heel tap (3) swivel heel turning over R shoulder (4)
5&6,7,8triple step RF steps back, LF steps back, RF steps forward (5 & 6), shuffle step with LF forward (7,8)
First 8 count ends facing 3 o’clock wall.
Count: 9-16
1,2,3&4Rock step on RF(1), slight hitch (2), shuffle step with RF forward turning 180 degrees over R shoulder (3 & 4)
5,6,7&8rock step on LF (5), slight hitch (6), shuffle step with LF forward turning 270 degrees over L shoulder (7 & 8)
Second 8 count ends facing 12 o’clock wall.
Count: 17-24
1,2,3&4Kick RF in front (1), Kick RF to the R (2), triple step RF steps back, LF steps back, RF steps forward (3 & 4)
5,6,7,8step LF forward (5), step RF forward (6), tip hat or shake hips (7, 8)
Third 8 count ends facing 12 o’clock wall.
Count: 25-32
1,2,3&4Step RF out to the R side (1,2), step LF behind RF (3), step RF out to the R side (&), step LF in front of the RF (4)
&5,6,7,8step RF out to the R side (&), step LF behind the RF (5), step LF out the L side (6), turn 180 degrees over L shoulder stepping RF next to LF (7), turn 270 degrees over L shoulder ending with LF forward facing the 6 o’clock wall (8)
Final 8 count ends facing 3 o’clock wall.
TAG: 8 count tag (X2) - after the first 10 walls, starting at the 9 o’clock wall, move your hips in a
circle while pivoting on LF and doing a 180 degree turn to face the 12 o’clock wall (1,2,3,4),
freestyle (5,6,7,8)
Second tag happens at the very end of the song starting again at the 9 o’clock wall. After hip
circles and 180 degree turn (1,2,3,4), freestyle facing the 12 o’clock wall till the song is over.