Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 counts (8 secs) – Start on vocals
S1 R Point, Touch, Point, Flick, Grapevine R With Touch
1,2Point R foot to R side, Touch R toe beside L
3,4Point R foot to R side, Flick R foot behind L
5,6Step R to R side, Step L behind R
7,8Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
S2 L Point, Touch, Point, Flick, Grapevine L With ¼ Turn Brush
1,2Point L foot to L side, Touch L toe beside R
3,4Point L foot to L side, Flick L foot behind R
5,6Step L to L side, Step R behind L
7,8Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, Brush R foot forward 9:00
S3 Step R, Brush L, Step L, Brush R, R Mambo, Kick L
1,2Step forward R foot, Brush L forward
3,4Step forward L foot, Brush R forward
5,6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
7,8Step back on R, Kick L foot forward
S4 Step L Back, Kick R, Step Back R, Step L Together, Step Forward R, Step L Together, Heel Splits
1,2Step back on L, Kick R foot forward
3,4Step back on R, Step L foot beside R
5,6Step R foot forward, Step L foot beside R
7,8On balls of both feet split heels apart, Bring heels back to centre
S1 R Point, Touch, Point, Flick, Grapevine R With Touch
1,2Point R foot to R side, Touch R toe beside L
3,4Point R foot to R side, Flick R foot behind L
5,6Step R to R side, Step L behind R
7,8Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
S2 L Point, Touch, Point, Flick, Grapevine L With ¼ Turn Brush
1,2Point L foot to L side, Touch L toe beside R
3,4Point L foot to L side, Flick L foot behind R
5,6Step L to L side, Step R behind L
7,8Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, Brush R foot forward 9:00
S3 Step R, Brush L, Step L, Brush R, R Mambo, Kick L
1,2Step forward R foot, Brush L forward
3,4Step forward L foot, Brush R forward
5,6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
7,8Step back on R, Kick L foot forward
S4 Step L Back, Kick R, Step Back R, Step L Together, Step Forward R, Step L Together, Heel Splits
1,2Step back on L, Kick R foot forward
3,4Step back on R, Step L foot beside R
5,6Step R foot forward, Step L foot beside R
7,8On balls of both feet split heels apart, Bring heels back to centre