High Beginner
Intro : 32 counts, Start at approximately 16 secs - No Tag, No Restart
Section 1 : RL Out Tap Step , Walk, Walk, R Pivot 1/2
1-2RF Right diagonal forward to tap & step beside left
3-4LF Light diagonal forward to tap & step beside right
5-6Step right forward, step left forward
7-8Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
Section 2 : R Vine Touch , L Vine 1/4 , Brush
1-2Step right to right, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right, touch left beside right
5-6Step left to left, step right behind left
7-8Turn 1/4 left to left forward, Brush right beside left (3:00)
Section 3 : R syncopated Jazzbox 1/4, Side, Hold, Cross Point
1- 2&Cross R over L, step back on L, step back on R
3-4Cross L over R, turn 1/4 left to left back, (12:00)
5-6Step left to left, hold
&7-8Step right behind left, step left to left, point R Across L
Section 4 : Side Point, Heel Bounce 1/8×2, Back Touch, Ball Cross, Hold, Unwind 1/2
1--3Step right to R Side, Bounce both heels1/8 (1:30), bounce both heels 1/8(3:00)
4-5Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
&6-7Ball step left to left, cross right over left, hold
8Unwind 1/2 turn left weight on left (9:00)
Ending: Last wall 8(3:00)- After 20 counts, LF turn 1/4 left forward (12:00)
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Section 1 : RL Out Tap Step , Walk, Walk, R Pivot 1/2
1-2RF Right diagonal forward to tap & step beside left
3-4LF Light diagonal forward to tap & step beside right
5-6Step right forward, step left forward
7-8Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
Section 2 : R Vine Touch , L Vine 1/4 , Brush
1-2Step right to right, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right, touch left beside right
5-6Step left to left, step right behind left
7-8Turn 1/4 left to left forward, Brush right beside left (3:00)
Section 3 : R syncopated Jazzbox 1/4, Side, Hold, Cross Point
1- 2&Cross R over L, step back on L, step back on R
3-4Cross L over R, turn 1/4 left to left back, (12:00)
5-6Step left to left, hold
&7-8Step right behind left, step left to left, point R Across L
Section 4 : Side Point, Heel Bounce 1/8×2, Back Touch, Ball Cross, Hold, Unwind 1/2
1--3Step right to R Side, Bounce both heels1/8 (1:30), bounce both heels 1/8(3:00)
4-5Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right
&6-7Ball step left to left, cross right over left, hold
8Unwind 1/2 turn left weight on left (9:00)
Ending: Last wall 8(3:00)- After 20 counts, LF turn 1/4 left forward (12:00)
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