High Improver
Intro: 32 Counts, Start at approx 12 secs
SEC 1 Rocking Chair, Step, ½ Pivot, Step, ½ Pivot
1-2Rock right forward, recover weight on to left
3-4Rock right back, recover weight on to left
5-6Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
7-8Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (12:00)
Option 5-8 Rocking Chair
SEC 2 Stomp, Point, Together, Stomp, Point, Together, Point, Touch
1-2Stomp right beside left, point left to left
3-4Step left beside right, stomp right beside left
5-6Point left to left, step left beside right
7-8Point right to right, touch right beside left
Restart Here on Wall 3
SEC 3 Out, Out, Clap, Hitch, Vine Touch
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Clap hands, hitch right slapping thigh with right hand
5-6Step right to right, step left behind right
7-8Step right to right, touch left beside right
SEC 4 Vine Scuff, ¼ Jazzbox
1-2Step left to left, step right behind left
3-4Step left to left, scuff right forward
5-6Cross right over left, turn ¼ right step left back (3:00)
7-8Step right to right, step left forward
SEC 1 Rocking Chair, Step, ½ Pivot, Step, ½ Pivot
1-2Rock right forward, recover weight on to left
3-4Rock right back, recover weight on to left
5-6Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
7-8Step right forward pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (12:00)
Option 5-8 Rocking Chair
SEC 2 Stomp, Point, Together, Stomp, Point, Together, Point, Touch
1-2Stomp right beside left, point left to left
3-4Step left beside right, stomp right beside left
5-6Point left to left, step left beside right
7-8Point right to right, touch right beside left
Restart Here on Wall 3
SEC 3 Out, Out, Clap, Hitch, Vine Touch
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Clap hands, hitch right slapping thigh with right hand
5-6Step right to right, step left behind right
7-8Step right to right, touch left beside right
SEC 4 Vine Scuff, ¼ Jazzbox
1-2Step left to left, step right behind left
3-4Step left to left, scuff right forward
5-6Cross right over left, turn ¼ right step left back (3:00)
7-8Step right to right, step left forward