Intro: 16 Counts – Weight starts left foot
[1-8] Side Point, Side Point, Heel, Heel, Step Hitch x3
1&2&Point RF to R side, Ball RF next to LF, Point LF to L side, Ball LF next to RF (12:00)
3&4&Touch R heel forward, Ball RF next to LF, Touch L heel forward, Ball LF next to RF (12:00)
5-6&Step RF forward, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward, Step RF down (12:00)
7&8Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward, Step RF down, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward (12:00)
[9-16] Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Unwind
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF diagonal back L (12:00)
3-4Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (12:00)
5-6Step RF diagonal back R, Step LF to L side (12:00)
7-8Cross RF over LF, Unwind ½ turning L (weight to RF) (6:00)
[17-24] Sailor Step, ¼ Sailor Step, ½ Pivot Turn, Hip Push
1&2Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side (6:00)
3&4Step RF behind LF w/ ¼ turn R, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward (9:00)
5-6Step LF in front of RF, Pivot ½ R (weight to RF) (3:00)
7-8Step LF forward while pushing hips forward, Push hips back while recovering weight to RF (3:00)
[25-32] Turning Hitch, Turning Hitch, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross
1-2Step LF forward, Turn ¼ L while hitching R knee (12:00)
3-4Step RF to R side w/ ¼ turn L, Turn ¼ L while hitching L knee (6:00)
5-6Rock LF to L side, Recover weight RF (6:00)
7&8Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (6:00)
TAG – 16 Counts – Occurs at the end of wall 2 (facing 12:00) – Comes quickly, be ready!
[1-8] Shimmy Right, Shimmy Left
1-4Step RF to R side while shimmying to R, Touch LF next to RF (4) (12:00)
5-8Step LF to L side while shimmying to L, Touch RF next to LF (8) (12:00)
[9-16] Hop Forward, Shake, Hop Back, Shake, ½ Pivot Turn x2
1-2Hop both feet forward, Shake hips (12:00)
3-4Hop both feet backward, Shake hips (12:00)
5-6Step RF in front of LF, Pivot ½ L (weight to LF) (6:00)
7-8Step RF in front of LF, Pivot ½ L (weight to LF) (12:00)
Have fun! Contact with questions!
Last Update: 12 Feb 2025
[1-8] Side Point, Side Point, Heel, Heel, Step Hitch x3
1&2&Point RF to R side, Ball RF next to LF, Point LF to L side, Ball LF next to RF (12:00)
3&4&Touch R heel forward, Ball RF next to LF, Touch L heel forward, Ball LF next to RF (12:00)
5-6&Step RF forward, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward, Step RF down (12:00)
7&8Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward, Step RF down, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward (12:00)
[9-16] Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Unwind
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF diagonal back L (12:00)
3-4Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (12:00)
5-6Step RF diagonal back R, Step LF to L side (12:00)
7-8Cross RF over LF, Unwind ½ turning L (weight to RF) (6:00)
[17-24] Sailor Step, ¼ Sailor Step, ½ Pivot Turn, Hip Push
1&2Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side (6:00)
3&4Step RF behind LF w/ ¼ turn R, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward (9:00)
5-6Step LF in front of RF, Pivot ½ R (weight to RF) (3:00)
7-8Step LF forward while pushing hips forward, Push hips back while recovering weight to RF (3:00)
[25-32] Turning Hitch, Turning Hitch, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross
1-2Step LF forward, Turn ¼ L while hitching R knee (12:00)
3-4Step RF to R side w/ ¼ turn L, Turn ¼ L while hitching L knee (6:00)
5-6Rock LF to L side, Recover weight RF (6:00)
7&8Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF (6:00)
TAG – 16 Counts – Occurs at the end of wall 2 (facing 12:00) – Comes quickly, be ready!
[1-8] Shimmy Right, Shimmy Left
1-4Step RF to R side while shimmying to R, Touch LF next to RF (4) (12:00)
5-8Step LF to L side while shimmying to L, Touch RF next to LF (8) (12:00)
[9-16] Hop Forward, Shake, Hop Back, Shake, ½ Pivot Turn x2
1-2Hop both feet forward, Shake hips (12:00)
3-4Hop both feet backward, Shake hips (12:00)
5-6Step RF in front of LF, Pivot ½ L (weight to LF) (6:00)
7-8Step RF in front of LF, Pivot ½ L (weight to LF) (12:00)
Have fun! Contact with questions!
Last Update: 12 Feb 2025