start on word ‘Morning’
section 1 Step fwd point/ back point, cross side sailor
1,2,3,4left step fwd point right to side, right step back left point to side
5,6cross left over right step right to side,
7&8left behind right, right side step left together
section 2 Cross side shuffle ¾ L rock fwd, back ball step
1,2right cross over left, step left to side
3&4right back making ¼ turn, turn ½ right,left,right
5,6 &left rock fwd recover
7,8left back right beside left back
Tag wall 3 walk back R/L fwd R/L Clap Restart
section 3 R rock back shuffle ½ turn, L rock back shuffle fwd
1,2right rock back recover
3&4right fwd making ½ turn, right left right
5,6right rock back recover
7&8left fwd right fwd left fwd
section 4 Step flick back hook, step together pigeon toes
1,2,3,4step fwd right flick left behind right step back left hook right in front on left
5,6step right step left together
7,8both right heel, left heels open, close together
Enjoy the dance !!!
section 1 Step fwd point/ back point, cross side sailor
1,2,3,4left step fwd point right to side, right step back left point to side
5,6cross left over right step right to side,
7&8left behind right, right side step left together
section 2 Cross side shuffle ¾ L rock fwd, back ball step
1,2right cross over left, step left to side
3&4right back making ¼ turn, turn ½ right,left,right
5,6 &left rock fwd recover
7,8left back right beside left back
Tag wall 3 walk back R/L fwd R/L Clap Restart
section 3 R rock back shuffle ½ turn, L rock back shuffle fwd
1,2right rock back recover
3&4right fwd making ½ turn, right left right
5,6right rock back recover
7&8left fwd right fwd left fwd
section 4 Step flick back hook, step together pigeon toes
1,2,3,4step fwd right flick left behind right step back left hook right in front on left
5,6step right step left together
7,8both right heel, left heels open, close together
Enjoy the dance !!!