Intro: Approx.6 seconds - *NO RESTART
SEC 1 : R fwd lock step, Hold, 1/4 R Pivot, Cross L, Hold
1-4Step R fwd, lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Hold
5-6Step L forward, pivot 1/4 R transferring weight on to R
7-8Cross L over R, Hold
SEC 2 : R Side Rock, Recover, R Back Rock, R Side Drag, L Back Rock
1-2Rock R to R side, Recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, Recover on L
5-6Step R to R Side Drag(2 Counts)
7-8Rock back on L, Recover on R
SEC 3 : Side L , Behind R, 1/4 L Fwd, 1/4 L Side, Sailor Step, Hold
1-2Step L to L side, Cross R behind L
3-4Turn 1/4 L Fwd, Turn 1/4 L Step R to R,
5-8Step L behind R, step R beside L, step L to L, Hold
SEC 4 : R Fwd Rock, Recover, R Back Sweep, Coaster Step, Hold
1-2Rock R forward, Recover on L
3-4Step back on R with Sweeping L
5-8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, Hold
*Tag(4c) : End of Wall 5 (facing 9:00)
*Tag) Rocking Chair
1-2Rock step R forward, Recover to L
3-4Rock step R back, Recover to L
Last Update: 8 Feb 2025
SEC 1 : R fwd lock step, Hold, 1/4 R Pivot, Cross L, Hold
1-4Step R fwd, lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Hold
5-6Step L forward, pivot 1/4 R transferring weight on to R
7-8Cross L over R, Hold
SEC 2 : R Side Rock, Recover, R Back Rock, R Side Drag, L Back Rock
1-2Rock R to R side, Recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, Recover on L
5-6Step R to R Side Drag(2 Counts)
7-8Rock back on L, Recover on R
SEC 3 : Side L , Behind R, 1/4 L Fwd, 1/4 L Side, Sailor Step, Hold
1-2Step L to L side, Cross R behind L
3-4Turn 1/4 L Fwd, Turn 1/4 L Step R to R,
5-8Step L behind R, step R beside L, step L to L, Hold
SEC 4 : R Fwd Rock, Recover, R Back Sweep, Coaster Step, Hold
1-2Rock R forward, Recover on L
3-4Step back on R with Sweeping L
5-8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, Hold
*Tag(4c) : End of Wall 5 (facing 9:00)
*Tag) Rocking Chair
1-2Rock step R forward, Recover to L
3-4Rock step R back, Recover to L
Last Update: 8 Feb 2025