Intro: 16 counts
Nightclub 2 step X 2
12&Big step R to right, step L slightly behind R, step R across L
34&Big step L to left, step R slightly behind L, step L across R (12.00)
Sweep x 2, rock fwd recover, step back, Step 3/8 left
56Sweep R fwd , sweep L fwd
7&8&Rock R fwd recover L, step R back, Step L ⅜ left diagonal (7.30)
Facing diagonal, rock R fwd together, rock L back together
12&Rock R fwd recover L, step R together (7.30)
34&Rock L back recover R, step L together (7.30)
Step R 1/8 right, weave to the right, recover L, touch R next to L
56&Step R ⅛ right, Cross L in front R and step R to side (9.00)
7&8&Step L behind , step R to side, recover L, touch R next to L (9.00)
Restart on Wall 11
Dance the first 8 counts with count 8 to ¼ left instead of ⅜ left straight up to the 3 o’clock wall restart the dance
Finish: The last wall finishes on the 9 o'clock wall, music fades out, keeps dancing till the sequence completes, ¼ turn right to the front and post!
Last Update: 1 Feb 2025
Nightclub 2 step X 2
12&Big step R to right, step L slightly behind R, step R across L
34&Big step L to left, step R slightly behind L, step L across R (12.00)
Sweep x 2, rock fwd recover, step back, Step 3/8 left
56Sweep R fwd , sweep L fwd
7&8&Rock R fwd recover L, step R back, Step L ⅜ left diagonal (7.30)
Facing diagonal, rock R fwd together, rock L back together
12&Rock R fwd recover L, step R together (7.30)
34&Rock L back recover R, step L together (7.30)
Step R 1/8 right, weave to the right, recover L, touch R next to L
56&Step R ⅛ right, Cross L in front R and step R to side (9.00)
7&8&Step L behind , step R to side, recover L, touch R next to L (9.00)
Restart on Wall 11
Dance the first 8 counts with count 8 to ¼ left instead of ⅜ left straight up to the 3 o’clock wall restart the dance
Finish: The last wall finishes on the 9 o'clock wall, music fades out, keeps dancing till the sequence completes, ¼ turn right to the front and post!
Last Update: 1 Feb 2025