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Chain Smokin'

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High Intermediate
Emily Kessler (USA) - February 2025
Chain Smokin' - Mary Sarah
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Starts after 16 ct intro
*One Restart 40 ct into Wall 2
**One 2ct Tag 16 ct into Wall 5, afterwards continue through Wall 5

[1-8] Cross Chug Forward, Cross Shuffle Forward, 1/4 Turning Box, Weave, Brush (1:30)
1, 2Step L Forward, Chug R behind L bending left knee
3&4Step L Forward, Bring R behind L, Step L Forward
5&6Cross R over L, Step L back with 1/4 turn over right shoulder, Step R to right
7&8&Cross L over R facing slight diagonal right side, Step R to right, Step L behind R facing slight diagonal left side (1:30), Brush R foot back

[9-16] Scuff 1/8 turn, Step Together, x3 Heel Twists with 1/8 turn, V Step Back, Step Forward, Toe Touch, Step Slide 1/4 turn, Step L, Step R together (3:00)
1&2Scuff R heel forward and open to turn 1/8 right (4:30), Step R foot down, Step L in
3&4Twist heels left turning 1/8 right (6:00), Twist heels right, Twist heels left.
5&6&Step L on slight diagonal back, Step R on slight diagonal back, Step L forward, Touch R toe in
7&8Step R to right with 1/4 turn sliding L, Step L back, Step R together

[17-24] Step, Leg Sweep, Step, Leg Sweep 1/4 turn, Rock forward Recover back, Hip Bumps Forward (6:00)
1, 2Step L forward, Sweep R from back to front
3, 4Step R forward, Sweep L from back to front turning 1/4 over right shoulder
5, 6Rock forward on R, recover back on L
7&8Bump hips forward, back, forward ending with weight forward

[25-32] Hip Bumps back, Forward Switch Step ending in Touch Toe, Side Step, Hitch Chug with Hip Slap, Cross Behind, Unwind (9:00)
1&2Bump hips back, forward, back ending with weight back
3&4Shift weight onto L and bring R to meet L, Step L back turning 1/4 over left shoulder, Touch R toe in (3:00)
5, 6Step R to right, Chug L in while hitching R knee and slapping right hip
7, 8Step R to right, Cross L behind unwind with 1/2 turn over left shoulder

[33-40] Cross Rock, Step Side, Cross Rock, Cut with Leg sweep, Step Back, Step with 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn Pivot, 2 Steps Forward (12:00)
1&2Cross R over L, Recover back on L, Step R to right
3&4Cross L over R, Recover back on R, Step L back with a small jump to sweep R front to back
(styling note - keep the direction on slight right diagonal from the last cross rock as you cut and sweep in ct 4)
5&6Step R back, Step L to left 4 turn over L shoulder, Step R forward to 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder
7, 8Step L forward, Step R forward
RESTART Here on Wall 2

[41-48] Step Side, Cross Rock Behind and Recover, Sailor Step, Step Forward, 1/2 pivot and Step, Full Turn (6:00)
1, 2&Step L to left, Cross R behind L putting weight on R, Recover forward on L
3, 4&Step R to right, Step L behind R, Bring R to meet L
5, 6Step L forward, Step R forward to 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder
7, 8Step L forward 1/2 turn over left shoulder, Step R forward 1/2 turn over left shoulder

2ct TAG - 16 ct into Wall 5, afterwards continue through Wall 5 (Facing 3:00) Cross and Full Turn Unwind
1, 2Cross L over R, Full turn unwind over right shoulder (3:00)

Continue with the dance here - you will continue with counts 17-24 and finish Wall 5 all the way through

Happy Dancing!
Thanks to Sean Monoghan for your input. And to Cat Baldwin and Mackenzie Katz for video assistance.
Any questions please email


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