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Moon Over Her Shoulder

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Intermediate - waltz
Jackie Miranda (USA) - January 2025
The Moon Is Still Over Her Shoulder - The Radio Stars
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With an easy 18 count tag (easily heard in the music!) Twice to the front wall
Music: “The Moon Is Still Over Her Shoulder” by The Radio Stars
Dance starts after 24 count intro

Set 1 Twinkles Traveling Forward
1-3Cross R over L, step L to L side, recover on R
4-6Cross L over R, step R to R side, recover on L (traveling forward)

Set 2 Step Forward, Walk Around ½ Turn RIght, Sway, ¼ Turn, Hitch
1-3Looking over your R shoulder, walk around ½ turn R by stepping R forward , then stepping L ¼ R, step ¼ R stepping R to R side (facing back wall)
4-6Step L to L side (you can complete the ½ turn here) and sway L, sway to R, turn ¼ R as you step back on L and hitch R over L

Set 3 Basic Waltz Step Forward into ½ Turn, Waltz Step Back
1-3Step forward on R, turn ¼ turn R stepping L to L side, turn ¼ turn R stepping back on R
4-6Step back on L, step R next to L, step L next to R

Set 4 Basic Waltz Step Forward into ½ Turn, Sway
1-3Step forward on R, turn ¼ turn R stepping L to L side, turn ¼ turn R stepping back on R
5-6Step L to L side and sway L, sway to R, sway to L

Set 5 ¾ Turn , ½ Turn
1-3Turn ¼ turn R crossing R over L, turn ¼ turn R stepping back on L, turn ¼ turn stepping R to R side (this is a ¾ turn)
4-6Cross L over R, turn ¼ turn L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (½ turn)

Set 6 Cross, Unwind ½ Turn, Sway
1-3Touch cross R over L, unwind ½ turn L for counts 2, 3 (weight ends on R)
4-6Sway L, R, L

Set 7 ½ Turn, Cross Lunge, Recover, Step Side
1-3Cross R over L, turn ¼ turn R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (½ turn)
4-6Cross lunge L over R, recover on R, step L to L side (make sure to step L to L side)

Set 8 Basic Waltz Forward, Slow ½ Turn Step Forward with Slow Turn of Body
1-3Step forward on R, step L next to R, step R next to L
4-6As you step L forward into ½ turn L, slowly turn your body to face new wall for counts 5-6 tranferring weight on L

Begin again

TAG: Easy 18 count tag will occur two times :
The first time you return to the front wall after you have completed the dance – it is an instrumental part:
1-3Twinkle Forward: Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R to R side
4-6Cross L over R, point R to R side, hold for count 6

1-3Repeat the last 6 counts of the dance of Set 8 which is basic waltz forward stepping forward R, step L next to R, step R next to L
4-6As you step L forward into ½ turn L, slowly turn your body to face new wall for counts 5-6 transferring weight forward on L

1-3Twinkle Forward: Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R to R side
4-6Cross L over R, point R to R side, hold for count 6

After dancing the tag, repeat the dance 3 times; this is where you will dance the TAG the 2nd TIME when you return to the front wall after you completed the dance.

ENDING: You will be facing the back wall after the last 3 counts of the tag which is:
Cross L over R, point R to R side, hold for count 6
With weight still on L, slowly turn ½ turn over R shoulder to face the front wall transferring weight forward onto your R and slowly bring arms out to sides for final pose


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