Section 1 Step step weave, RR, triple full turn
1,2,Stomp forward Rf, stomp forward LF,
3&4cross RF behind LF, step side L, cross RF over LF
5.6rock onto LF, 1/4 step RF 1/4 turn R,
7&8(making 3/4 turn over Left shoulder) Cha Cha LF RF, LF
Section 2 Ball change into press forward, cha cha, press forward, look side, step 1/4
&1step RF, rock forward LF to 2:00
2recover onto RF
3&4cha cha side L
5,6rock forward onto Rf, recover onto LF
&7, 8step RF side R, look over Right shoulder point out LF, recover weight into LF taking. 1/4 step left
Restart wall 2
Section 3 Stop hold,walk walk, 1/4 turn, step point step point
1-2Step RF forward making 1/4 turn over left shoulder,
3,4walk RF, walk forward LF
5point out RF
6,7step RF forward, point out LF
8cross LF over RF
Section 4 1/4 turn on RF, cha cha, RR, 1/2 turn cha cha
1,2Step side onto RF making 1/4 turn left
3&4RF cha cha
5,6rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF, 1/2 turn LF cha cha
TAG (end of wall 2)
Section 1 Weave left
1,2,3,4Cross RF over LF, step side LF step back RF, point out LF Weave right
5,6,7,8Cross LF over RF, step side RF step back LF point out RF
Section 2 Weave 1/2 turn tap
1,2,3,4Cross RF over LF, 1/4 turn right step back LF, 1/4 turn step side Rf, tap in LF
5,6,7,8Weave 1/4 turn to front wall 1/4 turn Step LF side left, 1/4 turn step Rf side right, cross LF behind Rf, point out RF
1,2,Stomp forward Rf, stomp forward LF,
3&4cross RF behind LF, step side L, cross RF over LF
5.6rock onto LF, 1/4 step RF 1/4 turn R,
7&8(making 3/4 turn over Left shoulder) Cha Cha LF RF, LF
Section 2 Ball change into press forward, cha cha, press forward, look side, step 1/4
&1step RF, rock forward LF to 2:00
2recover onto RF
3&4cha cha side L
5,6rock forward onto Rf, recover onto LF
&7, 8step RF side R, look over Right shoulder point out LF, recover weight into LF taking. 1/4 step left
Restart wall 2
Section 3 Stop hold,walk walk, 1/4 turn, step point step point
1-2Step RF forward making 1/4 turn over left shoulder,
3,4walk RF, walk forward LF
5point out RF
6,7step RF forward, point out LF
8cross LF over RF
Section 4 1/4 turn on RF, cha cha, RR, 1/2 turn cha cha
1,2Step side onto RF making 1/4 turn left
3&4RF cha cha
5,6rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF, 1/2 turn LF cha cha
TAG (end of wall 2)
Section 1 Weave left
1,2,3,4Cross RF over LF, step side LF step back RF, point out LF Weave right
5,6,7,8Cross LF over RF, step side RF step back LF point out RF
Section 2 Weave 1/2 turn tap
1,2,3,4Cross RF over LF, 1/4 turn right step back LF, 1/4 turn step side Rf, tap in LF
5,6,7,8Weave 1/4 turn to front wall 1/4 turn Step LF side left, 1/4 turn step Rf side right, cross LF behind Rf, point out RF